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Thread: Gypsy Jazz

  1. #91


    any one have a chart for john jorgenson's "man of mystery"?

  2. #92

    Default for wes -romane

    For Wes - Romane

  3. #93


    The top of my playlisr view doesn't show any search option. Is there a setting or something that I'm missing?

  4. #94


    The app won't let me paste a song in the forum. I was able to previous to the new version. (Yes, I bought the app.) Also, I still don't have a search option for songs in playlist. Any suggestions?

  5. #95


    Quote Originally Posted by greginpdx View Post
    The top of my playlisr view doesn't show any search option. Is there a setting or something that I'm missing?
    Hi Greg,
    Sorry for my delayed response
    I haven't (yet) upgraded to pro on either my iPad or android phone.
    My android version 2.1.1 (3344 songs) only has search in songs mode (no search in playlist mode)
    If I want say, Desifinado, I go to songs (master index of all songs) type des in search... There it is. It won't tell me which playlist(s) I have it in. But the goal of the search was to find the chart(s) for it. Now in chartview, I can attempt to add it to the playlist(s) of my choice. If it's already there, a message will tell me "song not added".

  6. #96


    Quote Originally Posted by greginpdx View Post
    The app won't let me paste a song in the forum. I was able to previous to the new version. (Yes, I bought the app.) Also, I still don't have a search option for songs in playlist. Any suggestions?
    I don't know why you are having trouble posting songs, I know you have posted before.

    Double check you're following the steps:
    Posting a song...
    In chartview, select the share icon looks like this: < (with a dot at each end of the lines) its the second one from the right at the bottom is the chartview screen.
    You are presented with a screen full of choices the top two are email and post to forums. Select post to forums.
    A message appears "copied to clipboard" and two choices: forums and cancel.
    You can select forums and the app will open the forums or cancel to make the message go away. Either way, the song code is still copied on your clipboard.
    I usually already have the forums open in my browser. I go there, and either get a new message going in the correct (new) thread or start a reply in an existing thread when I'm ready for the song...I'll do a long-touch to bring-up "paste" and then:
    The songcode will turn into a link once you "post quick reply" or "send"
    You post a playlist to the forums the same way except you start in playlist mode, select the playlist, the share icon is at the top/right of the screen next to a-z. Careful... If you select a-z it will put the playlist songs in alpha-order which you might not want. The rest of the process (clipboard>forums>paste>send) is the same.
    Let me know if it works for you...
    Last edited by pdxdjazz; 11-26-2013 at 04:19 PM.

  7. #97
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by greginpdx View Post
    The app won't let me paste a song in the forum. I was able to previous to the new version. (Yes, I bought the app.) Also, I still don't have a search option for songs in playlist. Any suggestions?
    iOS or Android?
    (search within a Playlist above letter A, iOS iReal Pro v5 only at the moment)

  8. #98


    Quote Originally Posted by dflat View Post
    iOS or Android?
    (search within a Playlist above letter A, iOS iReal Pro v5 only at the moment)
    IIRC Greg has a FIRE tablet. That's why I offered the android instructions. If he has an iPad-mini all bets are off.

  9. #99
    Join Date
    Sep 2013


    I'm looking for the Como Una Flor sheet music. Anyone have a link?

  10. #100


    Here's a playlist with 2 (similar) irb versions, pick the one you prefer:

    Como Una Flor (2)

    1. Como Una Flor - gonzalo bergara
    2. Como Una Flor 1 - gonzalo bergara


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