This is Hank Mobley's The Morning After, as recorded on the album A Caddy For Daddy (1965).
This is my first posting of a chart - corrections and advice welcome.
Morning After, The - Hank Mobley
This is Hank Mobley's The Morning After, as recorded on the album A Caddy For Daddy (1965).
This is my first posting of a chart - corrections and advice welcome.
Morning After, The - Hank Mobley
Nice looking chart.
I’d start and end the B section with double-bars.
If the form is AAB, it’s right.
If the form is AABA, you would want to add Fine in text under the final bar of the A section.
Chart Layout Conventions
Thanks for sharing your chart.
Cheers for the feedback, Bob.
Congrats on your first chart. Advice ...
You have a Coda but there's no Coda sign in the head to jump to it. It's true that the Coda will play anyway after the final repeat of the head, but it's still confusing not to have a visible Coda pointer.
The repeat sign at the top of the Coda doesn't do anything. If you want the Coda to repeat you have to end it with a repeat sign.
Jerry Engelbach
Pianist • Arranger • Composer
Pátzcuaro, Michoacán, México
Music Website
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The Internationale Website
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