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Thread: How to *move* a song to a different playlist

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2024

    Default How to *move* a song to a different playlist

    I have a bunch of playlists from other people, with many hundreds of sounds, and have two playlists for myself of the songs that I personally practice daily.

    I've noticed that clicking the 3 dots and using "Add to Playlist" doesn't quite add the song to the playlist. It adds a _reference_ to the song to the playlist. It's an important distinction because if you add a song to a bunch of playlists and edit one of the copies, all the copies everywhere in all your playlists also get edited.

    This isn't what I want. One playlist is for Gypsy Jazz, so lots of major 6, lots of diminished. The other playlist is more straight forward jazz. I want to be able to have separate copies of a song in each playlist so I can edit them individually.

    How can I copy a song to a list? I've noticed there's a duplicate function, but for some reason, I can't get it to work. I've noticed that I have to edit something about the song -- chords, whatever, before it'll give me the option to save, but even so, the song doesn't appear to get duplicated.

  2. #2


    Look here




    Key transpositions and player settings made to a chart opened From a playlist,
    Stay with that chart.

    Any changes to a chart made using the editor (no matter how small)actually overwrite the original and create a new version that’s different from the original and, as you discovered, that change happenseverywhere.

    If you want to keep the original unchanged, you must choose EDIT > DUPLICATE.
    This creates a new, separate version of the titled song. (With a newly added number)
    I often change the number to a descriptor (initials) so I’ll know what’s what
    (Example All of Me RB1) (or band or singers name or initials) etc.
    Add it to the playlist(s), remove the other version
    CAUTION…two choices… remove (but keep in your library) or TRASH which will make it vanish from your app and playlists…..choose carefully.



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