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Thread: How to *move* a song to a different playlist

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2024

    Default How to *move* a song to a different playlist

    I have a bunch of playlists from other people, with many hundreds of sounds, and have two playlists for myself of the songs that I personally practice daily.

    I've noticed that clicking the 3 dots and using "Add to Playlist" doesn't quite add the song to the playlist. It adds a _reference_ to the song to the playlist. It's an important distinction because if you add a song to a bunch of playlists and edit one of the copies, all the copies everywhere in all your playlists also get edited.

    This isn't what I want. One playlist is for Gypsy Jazz, so lots of major 6, lots of diminished. The other playlist is more straight forward jazz. I want to be able to have separate copies of a song in each playlist so I can edit them individually.

    How can I copy a song to a list? I've noticed there's a duplicate function, but for some reason, I can't get it to work. I've noticed that I have to edit something about the song -- chords, whatever, before it'll give me the option to save, but even so, the song doesn't appear to get duplicated.

  2. #2


    Look here




    Key transpositions and player settings made to a chart opened From a playlist,
    Stay with that chart.

    Any changes to a chart made using the editor (no matter how small)actually overwrite the original and create a new version that’s different from the original and, as you discovered, changed everywhere.

    If you want to keep the original unchanged, you must choose EDIT > DUPLICATE.
    This creates a new, separate version of the titled song. (With a newly added number)
    I often change the number to a descriptor (initials) so I’ll know what’s what
    (Example All of Me RB1) (or band or singers name or initials) etc.
    Add it to a playlist, remove the other version
    CAUTION…two choices remove (but keep in your library) or TRASH which will make it vanish from your app and playlists…..choose carefully.



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