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Thread: Will reloading a main playlist result in duplicate charts?

  1. #1

    Default Will reloading a main playlist result in duplicate charts?

    If you add the playlist again to get any changes, will you have duplicates of the existing charts?
    Last edited by pdxdjazz; 01-30-2021 at 11:19 PM. Reason: Moved to support forum

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by starkcreative View Post
    If you add the playlist again to get any changes, will you have duplicates of the existing charts?
    If a chart you are importing is *identical* to an existing chart in your library, you shouldn’t get a duplicate.



  3. Default

    In a scenario where a band is occasionally modifying songs in a setlist, and the "keeper" of the setlist shares an updated set, will everyone downloading this set see the changed charts appear under the previous versions with a "1" after those respective titles? That seems like a lot of manual effort to get rid of the old chart versions.

    Should everyone simply delete their existing setlist first and then download the new one?

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by DaveBuergerOnBass View Post
    In a scenario where a band is occasionally modifying songs in a setlist, and the "keeper" of the setlist shares an updated set, will everyone downloading this set see the changed charts appear under the previous versions with a "1" after those respective titles? That seems like a lot of manual effort to get rid of the old chart versions.

    Should everyone simply delete their existing setlist first and then download the new one?
    When you import a chart or playlist, your app compares the song code with existing song code in your library. If an IDENTICAL title is found and the song code is IDENTICAL, your app is not supposed to import a new chart, it uses the existing one.

    If an IDENTICAL title is found and the song code is different (in any way) a new chart will import and to help you keep things organized your app automatically appends a number to the new chart. Depending on how many “duplicate” versions you already have the number on that new chart may be different from the number applied to the same chart imported by other users.

    Deleting existing lists (and songs) before importing may solve your issue, BUT, if the list contains other songs from your library (say, from the Jazz 1400) that are in other
    lists, those other songs will vanish from your app as well.

    Another option is to add the current date to the title of a chart when it’s modified.
    Then it’s easy to using the App Library search to bring up a display of all the charts you have with that title and delete those that are unwanted.

    I suppose you could also do that and delete all but the highest number.

    There are TWO ways to delete a playlist.
    1. Remove the playlist, keep all the songs in your library.
    2. Remove the playlist AND delete the songs from your app (and any other playlists)
    Choose carefully.

    By choosing #1, even if many near-duplicate charts remain in your library, you will only have your most recent playlist available.

    I play with many singers. When I modify a chart to reflect their version(s) I add their initials to the title.



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