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Thread: When I Met You - Jim Paredes

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2019

    Post When I Met You - Jim Paredes

    Season's Greetings!

    There are some timing and other errors with this but I wanted to contribute because of some of the songs that I've been able to find here that other people were kind enough to post. Here is a link to the song:

    And of course the iReal formatted thing. ( UPDATED )

    When I Met You (Apo Hiking Society) - Jim Paredes

    - Changes include appropriate attribution and chord changes. I think.. we're ... close to right. Either way. Happy to learn something.

    Please let me know if you enjoyed this transcription. Or what adjustments I can make to improve the thing. I know there are issues with timing / formatting but I think the point comes across clearly enough. I'll get to it when I can, or of course, you're welcome to post updates in this thread.
    Last edited by Angrycrow; 08-24-2024 at 02:20 PM. Reason: Corrected thread title,song title format

  2. #2


    Always remember to include correct composer info on charts you post in the forums.

    iReal pro does not recognize “M” for maj7. Use the delta (triangle) symbol in the editor. Most users here prefer the “-“ instead of “m” for minor. Takes less space.
    We prefer using the player repeat setting instead of enclosing the form in repeat brackets.

    Please use “A” instead of “V” the player treats V the same as In = play once at the start.

    Thanks for sharing.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2019


    Thank you for the rapid response. I really like the idea of this tool for making charts, formatting is definitely an issue. Also.. I don't know how the composer name was changed. Or, just didn't have the information before. In any case I'll see what I can do about these changes.

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