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Thread: Big Jet Plane - Angus & Julia Stone

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2024

    Default Big Jet Plane - Angus & Julia Stone

    Big Jet Plane - Angus & Julia Stone (bpm: 110, Rob)

    Note: the D.S. al Coda behaves strange: after reaching the coda, it first jumps to the next C and than to the outro coda. Tried to repair this, but didn't manage. Rob

  2. #2


    Does this play as you want?

    Big Jet Plane 1 - Angus & Julia Stone (bpm: 110, Rob)

    The only reasons to use notation devices like multiple endings, repeat brackets and various repeat instructions (3x) DS, DC etc. are to save "ink" and chart space (because of the current iRp single-page format) or to make the chart easier for a musician to read and follow.

    While non-standard work-arounds may cause the player to act in a specific way, they can be confusing to a musician.

    In this case, it seemed easier to condense the chorus, add it again at the end and just play the whole chart once, top to bottom.


    The player will take the coda-jump as soon as it encounters the first coda-sign on the final form repeat. This can be an issue inside a repeating section.

    How the Coda works


  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2024


    The corrected version:

    Big Jet Plane - Angus & Julia Stone
    Last edited by robkoper; 08-09-2024 at 04:28 AM.

  4. #4


    You are welcome, Rob.

    Gettin up to speed writing iRp charts that work in the player, AND are easy to read, AND look nice, AND squeeze onto a single page can be a challenge.

    It's a process that takes time but gets easier.

    Our goal for forum discussion is not just to arrive at (and only post) a "correct" chart, but rather to show the process and help current and future users get better at it.

    Also, Please use the composer field for actual composer names only.
    You may include your initials at the end of the song title and/or your name in the chart along with other performance notes (tempo, key etc) using text.



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