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Thread: Miss the Mississippi and You - Bill Halley

  1. #1

    Default Miss the Mississippi and You - Bill Halley

    I came across a lovely 30s jazz feel version on YouTube with Romain Vuillemin and Matt Munisteri and this is sort of that, though by all means post edits. I've not used repeats simply to make it easier for me to fit to words.
    This is the YT link
    and here is my attempt at the chords

    Miss The Mississippi And You (MunIsteri) - Bill Halley
    Last edited by pdxdjazz; 05-19-2024 at 05:41 PM. Reason: Corrected thread title format

  2. #2



    OK, the timing still needs some work but I have the chords and their duration a bit better and the AABA form is clearer, with an intro:

    Miss The Mississippi And You (MunIsteri) - Bill Halley

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