Hi there. Searched the FAQ and can’t find a “rest” symbol. Is there one?
Hi there. Searched the FAQ and can’t find a “rest” symbol. Is there one?
Within iRp there is N.C. (No Chord) that can be applied to a single space or longer.
There is also Break that applies to a measure (after the 1st beat) or longer.
Used together, N.C. and Break can provide a period of silence during chart-play but the ability to precisely control the length is limited.
It may be possible to break for less than a full bar with the inelegant use of compound time signatures. (ie. 2x 2/4 bars = a 4/4 bar)
Some members copy and paste Unicode characters on their charts to display timing marks on their personal charts. I don’t think this currently works as expected across all iRp platforms and may (at some point) be problematic with the player or chart-code display function.
When inserting any text symbols representing rhythm notation, keep in mind that it won't always be displayed properly on other devices or platforms. As long as it's just intended to your own device, there's no problem. As a workaround, when I need to share a chart that includes important rhythmic notation, I always share both the iReal pro html file and the exported PDF. The PDF is a snapshot of what your chart looks like on your device, so any text notation will always be displayed properly on any other devices or platforms.
I’d love to see that feature as well.