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Thread: Direct from library to full-size chart?

  1. #1

    Default Direct from library to full-size chart?

    When playing live, one small item drives me nuts. This is on an iPad.

    I select a song in the left pane, and finger-click on it, which brings up a reduced-size image in the right pane.
    Clicking on the expanding arrows symbol in the upper left is a little difficult when trying to hurry after the tune has been called. The button is pretty small, and for me, gets fumbled a lot.
    But then the song comes up in still reduced size, with player controls, editing buttons etc. So one more click, though the target is much bigger this time.

    Could there be a "performance" option to go right from the selected song to the really full-sized display?


  2. #2


    In the main app settings (gear wheel icon), make sure “Default to Full Screen” is on.

    On my iPad mini, when viewing a chart with the library side-bar visible, and with the player controls hidden (just tap the chart), in portrait view a chart is 2.5” wide,
    viewed in landscape it’s 3.25”.


  3. #3


    Yay!! Thanks mucho...


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