When I select a song from Library > Songs I am wondering how I can find out on which Playlist that song is?
When I select a song from Library > Songs I am wondering how I can find out on which Playlist that song is?
I don’t think that function exists in iRp. You can search within a playlist.
I can see how some users might like to search the playlist-list for a tune.
I know if you try to add a song to a playlist that already includes that song, the app won’t allow it (unless you make a duplicate).
Sorry there is no actual search doing this, however you should be able to put in your search word, then click down your playlists (unfortunately the down arrow will not work for this).
If your playlists are reasonably static, you could export the Setlist of your playlists, add (paste) each to a text document (for example in TextEdit) then use search.