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Thread: Problem: Black on light instead of white on dark (Solved)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2021

    Default Problem: Black on light instead of white on dark (Solved)

    Hello, I'm a long time user and fan of iReal Pro. I'm running Mac OS 10.13.6 and I was happily running 2020.7.1 (200712).

    This afternoon I opened a file for editing and the editor control window was mysteriously light text on a light background similar to what was described in I checked the hints about accessibility settings with no change.

    Since nothing I tried helped, I decided to try the latest version 2021.1 (210103). iReal Pro seems to work fine and I see some new features but, the backgrounds of the library and the control and editing panes are all white or very light grey. At least the text is black so it's legible. It's just much too bright!

    I noticed there is a new preference for Theme in the General category which I suspect might be related to the problem. It says System and is not selectable. I'm guessing it's for newer versions of the OS. I have an older Mac with the older version so I'm still in business but I'd really like to get iReal working properly again on my main computer.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    We had to change the dark coding to support the more recent OSs that have been created after High Sierra (from using Custom color to System color) to support dynamic dark/light mode in the Mac OSs of Mojave and later, so High Sierra now has its default light color now, sorry. You should be able to change the colors of the background color (perhaps to black) and the text color (to white) in iReal Pro preferences but this is not the dark theme you would have been used to sorry.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2021


    I found out this is not an iRealPro problem but a change I had made in the Mac System Preferences, Accessibility, Display, settings. I had checked the box for "Increase contrast" because I was having trouble reading a website with dark gray text on a light gray background. When I unchecked the box, iRealPro was back to looking good! Thanks for a great app!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2013


    I am currently running the latest High Sierra on a Mac cylinder. I updated iRealPro a day or two ago and am currently running 2023.11. I now am seeing a black background and white text. this version has no Themes and apparently no way to get back to the normal colors. I am in Dark Mode because light is too bright.

    am I stuck with this? it's really a drag IMO

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2013


    sorry, I miswrote... I am on the latest version of Big Sur

  6. #6



    I also found the same problem! All of a sudden white text on a black screen. I want to go back to black text on a light coloured screen, but can’t find it anymore in the menu. I am running iReal Pro on an iPad.
    How to solve this issue ?

  7. #7


    I think Night mode is found on the chart settings menu.
    iOS AA

    I think you could also manually set it up using the color setting.


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