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Thread: Playlists request

  1. #1

    Default Playlists request

    Quote Originally Posted by chrisbell View Post
    Two things.
    1: Would love to be able to divide a Playlist with Set 1, Set2, etc. Sort of like adding: In, A, B in a song.
    2: Playlists within Playlists. I have several steady gigs at bars/clubs/etc. It would save a lot of vertical space (and scrolling) if I could have a Playlist per venue and those particular sets.

    I use these “headings” in my gig playlists and Setlists. I find them helpful.

    List Helpers (16)

    Individual songs:
    . Instrumentals - .
    . Vox - .
    .BREAK - .
    .ENCORE - .
    .EXTRAS - .
    .PAUSE 1 - .
    .PAUSE 2 - .
    .PAUSE 3 - .
    .PAUSE 4 - .
    .SET 1 - .
    .SET 2 - .
    .SET 3 - .
    .SET 4 - .
    .SET 5 - .
    -Specials - -

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Default Playlists request

    Two things.
    1: Would love to be able to divide a Playlist with Set 1, Set2, etc. Sort of like adding: In, A, B in a song.
    2: Playlists within Playlists. I have several steady gigs at bars/clubs/etc. It would save a lot of vertical space (and scrolling) if I could have a Playlist per venue and those particular sets.


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