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Thread: How do I do a few repeats of the form before going to a DS al Coda?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Default How do I do a few repeats of the form before going to a DS al Coda?

    Hello all, love this thing in general, and even more as I figure out the stuff it's capable of.

    I have a little ditty that has an intro (I figured that out) then it basically goes A B A B etc, let's just say 4 times, then I'd like to do an A plus a coda. I know to put the DS al coda sign after the B section, and then hit the first coda sign at the end of A, then the second coda sign to begin a new line with my coda. But how do I tell the chart to do it 4x before the last A? I'd need something like "form 4x, then DS al coda" or something. Doable?

  2. #2


    I would like to know this too. I just edited "In the Wee Small Hours of the Morning" to do it like we do it, i.e. the last four bars are doubletimed (condensed into 2) and you only do it the way it's originally charted the very last time (no matter how many times you repeat the chorus). So i inserted the two doubletime bars before the last four, put a D.C. al Coda at the end of the second doubletime bar, and put coda at the end of the bar before the two new bars, and a coda sign at the beginning of the last four. Now it plays the song 2x and does the coda correctly the 2nd time but I really want any arbitrary # of reps (set by the rep count outside of the chart) of the chorus and the coda ONLY the very last time. I tried 3x, that didn't work. Here's my chart
    In The Wee Small Hours Of The Morning Custom - Mann-Hilliard

  3. #3


    When you use "DC al Coda", you are telling the player that the coda is part of the form and is played each time.
    Read this:

    With the instruction removed, your chart plays the coda only the final time.
    (Set repeat # in the player)

    In The Wee Small Hours Of The Morning 1 Custom - Mann-Hilliard


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2020


    How to make the "Jump From Coda" wait for the repeat?

    I'm fairly new to editing, but am finding myself doing a rather sophisticated chart. I think I have everything working except one thing. When I "DS al Coda", it jumps back to a section that is repeated. My "Jump From Coda" is at the end of that section. But it jumps to the "Jump To Coda" without performing the repeat. I need it to perform the repeat, not just play that part through once.

    I tried to workaround this by moving the Jump From Coda to the beginning of the next section (which I don't want it to play). This does succeed in getting the repeat to be played, but it does also play the first chord of that other section, which I don't want. So I'm out of ideas.

    Basically, if this was math and repeat symbols were parentheses, I'd want the Jump From Coda to be OUTSIDE the parentheses.

    Is there a way to accomplish this?

    Last edited by reggoboy; 10-24-2023 at 10:43 PM.

  5. #5


    Read this

    Then post your problem chart here.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2020


    Thanks so much for the reply.

    The link had helpful info, so I cleaned a few things up. But this problem is still present. The link says to post my chart directly from the app, but I can't find any way to find this forum thread from within the app. So hopefully Share > Export Chord Chart > Forums and then pasting here in my web browser will be okay. If it doesn't look right, I'll try another way.

    Notice how the player doesn't perform the repeat that it is in when it reaches the Jump From Coda.



    Linus And Lucy - Combined - Vince Guaraldi

  7. #7


    This is a way to have your chart circulate as you want

    Linus And Lucy - Combined 1 - Vince Guaraldi

    I condensed some of the chart to gain extra space which I used to make it more readable/easier for me to follow.

    Helpful info


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2020


    Nice work with that!! But not too bad for me as a newbie, eh? ;-) Thanks!!

    So the magic is that you created a duplicate 2nd ending to ensure it gets there before jumping to coda. Clever.

    The other magic is that you compressed measures, which is a nice option. But I'm not clear how that works. I thought there were 4 spaces because there were 4 beats. If you remove space from a measure, the player still respects the time signature? If you have 3 spaces in a 4-beat measure, how can you make the chord change half way through? Or maybe you can't?

    A related question... That last Ab in the chart should be played on Beat 1 and sustained and the rhythm should immediately stop; the drums shouldn't finish the measure. I tried removing all the spaces after the Ab, but the player appears to insert an extra measure before hitting that final Ab. Thoughts?

    Linus And Lucy - Combined - Last Measure compressed - Vince Guaraldi

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by reggoboy View Post
    Nice work with that!! But not too bad for me as a newbie, eh? ;-) Thanks!!

    So the magic is that you created a duplicate 2nd ending to ensure it gets there before jumping to coda. Clever.

    The other magic is that you compressed measures, which is a nice option. But I'm not clear how that works. I thought there were 4 spaces because there were 4 beats. If you remove space from a measure, the player still respects the time signature? If you have 3 spaces in a 4-beat measure, how can you make the chord change half way through? Or maybe you can't?

    A related question... That last Ab in the chart should be played on Beat 1 and sustained and the rhythm should immediately stop; the drums shouldn't finish the measure. I tried removing all the spaces after the Ab, but the player appears to insert an extra measure before hitting that final Ab. Thoughts?

    Linus And Lucy - Combined - Last Measure compressed - Vince Guaraldi
    Does this end like you want?
    Linus And Lucy - Combined 1 1 - Vince Guaraldi

    The invisible END instruction tells the player to end on the first chord in the bar the final time. It is usually used to avoid playing a written turnaround the last time.

    My previously posted chart included that ending…..

    Quote Originally Posted by reggoboy View Post
    I'm starting to think that spaces = beats, but I'm not sure how the player parses measures that have had spaces added or removed.
    Spaces often line up with beats, but spaces do not equal beats. They are not the same. No matter the number of spaces, one bar has the beats appropriate to the time-sig.

    If you have a bar-line on both sides of one space, it = ONE measure (but can contain only one chord)

    You’ll need to experiment to see how the player handles chord placement within multi-space bars.

    When possible, I prefer 4-space measures, 4 across each system (line) for everything. This is provided by the 48 bar template.

    It handles 3/4 just fine.
    The player won’t work with some time-sig/bar-spaces combinations. The player will provide an error message.

    For me, charts with multiple, random bar lengths are harder to follow.

    I try to keep my charts as “square” as possible with the sections (rehearsal marks) all starting at the left margin.

    Chart Layout Conventions




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