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Thread: Fix for visually crushed 4th beat?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2022

    Default Fix for visually crushed 4th beat?


    Having entered a chord into beat 4 of a measure (instead of the more typical beat 3) I find that this makes a visual mess because the measure does not have enough room to display that chord symbol without interfering with the next chord symbol on beat 1 of the following measure.

    Can anyone tell me, is there anything I can do to fix this?

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	iRP - Crushed m4 01.jpg 
Views:	286 
Size:	7.9 KB 
ID:	589  

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2023


    I’m having a similar issue, with three chords in the fourth measure, the last being D7b5, which won’t even notate beyond the 7th. Did you ever resolve your issue?

  3. #3


    Most of the time, using the small font for just the problem spaces will solve the issue.

    S and N (Small/Normal chord-font size)

    You can abbreviate certain chords as well
    Use (-) instead of mi or min
    Use Δ instead of maj7 or Δ7
    Use ø Instead of min7b5 or -7b5
    Use o instead of dim or dim7 or o7

    If the final extended quality still overlaps into the following measure,
    you can repeat it underneath the chord using text
    so the reader can better read it

    See this example chart

    Fix for visually crushed 4th beat? - Example



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