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Thread: Repeats indicators (repeat intro as ending)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2022

    Default Repeats indicators (repeat intro as ending)

    hello, I want to repeat a whole topic from the beginning, the structure is as follows: intro - A - B - intro - A - B - intro - A - B - intro I know how to go from one point to another, but by repeating all this 3 times I can't finish at the intro. Someone who can help me?

  2. #2


    For help with a chart, POST THE CHART in iRp format.
    That way it can be easily opened in the editor.

    The answer (if there is one) depends on the chart.

    One way may be to copy the intro and paste it at the bottom as a final coda.

    Remove the IN mark at the start and replace it with text INTRO
    the player ignores the text and will play the intro each player repeat which you set to 3.

    InAB x3 In(Coda)

    There are likely other ways, but I’d want to see your chart.

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