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Thread: What is the best strategy for keeping android devices "synched" (Solved)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2021

    Smile What is the best strategy for keeping android devices "synched" (Solved)

    Greetings all. I have finally figured out how to back up my iReal Pro program and save the backup file to Google drive. I have 2 PCs running Bluestacks and 1 Android phone running the Android app. When I make a change or addition in one of these, I would like to make the others reflect the changes.

    If I make a change in one program, then create a backup file, and load that into Google drive, I am not quite sure what happens when I import that file into another device instance of iReal Pro. Does this file OVERWRITE the data that is running in the second program or simply add to it? I ask this question because when I tried this, it appeared that the playlists were doubled on the new machine rather than just updated.

    There must be many users who want to do this. Can anyone help me with the mechanics of a makimg all version "synced". I know I cannot do it directly and must work with uploading and downloading backup files.

    Thanks for your help!
    Last edited by improviser; 08-30-2021 at 01:42 PM. Reason: adding "solved"

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2021


    Hey pdxdjazz this was really helpful. I hadn't found that with a search. I had a feeling that just importing the master to the slave would not over-write but simply add. Now I see this inkling was correct and that the slave app needs to be cleared before importing the updated master.

    You were really helpful!!

    I bet that this master/slave terminology will need to be changed in the future due to updated sensibilities. I wonder what a great set of terms could be? Primary/secondary? Master/Copy? Original/Copy?

    By the way, this is not a criticism, just a pondering of alternative phrases. Thanks again so much for helping me get settled in with the app. I so appreciate it.

  4. #4

    Default Syncing charts between android and iOS?

    I have ireal pro on my iPad, and it has a bunch of charts on it, some I created myself.

    I am thinking of getting ireal pro for my android phone as well. But, I'm wondering if there's a way where I could easily transfer all of my charts that are on my iPad to my android phone.

  5. #5


    My primary iRp device is my iPad mini. I use it for *everything*.
    Gigging, jam sessions, transcribing, writing and editing. It currently has pushing 19,000 charts and over 100 playlists. I run a backup whenever I think of it and upload it to my free Dropbox account for archiving.

    My android phone is my secondary device. It has all the iRp “main playlists” plus others and all my gig playlists. When I finalize a gig-list, I post it in my sandbox for easy download by bandmates. I also download it to my phone so I’ll have it in my pocket in case the “magic smoke” escapes from my iPad.

    There is currently no automatic Synch between android and iOS (and vice versa).

    You can easily make a backup of your primary library (iOS), add it to your account in Google Drive (Android likes that) or Dropbox (also works) or any other cloud storage both devices can access, then download it to your secondary device (android) from there. Moving individual charts or playlists can easily be transferred using email or a sandbox thread.

    Helpful information


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2017


    Como ter dois telefones Android com as mesmas playlits. Ambos iguais
    Como passar de um para o outro sem ter que criar no outro um nova playlist igual


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