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Thread: Ownership/Licensing for using iRp backing tracks

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2021

    Default Ownership/Licensing for using iRp backing tracks

    Hello! First off, WOW! I’m blown away by the app. This is truly changing my life and opening up a whole new avenue in my songwriting! I am one of those people who has musical ideas constantly rolling around in my head, but unfortunately I do not have the natural ability to play instruments. My music was always trapped in my heart and my head save writing the lyrics down. So THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! This is absolutely a game changer for me.

    I’m using iRP in composing my original music. My question is, is there any ownership or licensing issues if I would want to export the MIDI and use it in my DAW for for finishing and ultimately, for release and possible sync licensing? I feel personally that I should list iRP in the credits, but I was just wondering if this would be an issue legally even though it’s an original composition. Thanks!

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by Enginejenn View Post
    I’m using iRP in composing my original music. My question is, is there any ownership or licensing issues if I would want to export the MIDI and use it in my DAW for for finishing and ultimately, for release and possible sync licensing? I feel personally that I should list iRP in the credits, but I was just wondering if this would be an issue legally even though it’s an original composition. Thanks!
    Here is Admin's reply to a similar question:

    Quote Originally Posted by dflat View Post
    Thank you for asking.

    You may freely use audio backing tracks created with iReal Pro for any purpose as long as you include attribution.
    That means be cool and credit iReal Pro to reward all the hard work we put into this app.
    We are looking forward to seeing your original charts shared here with links to your YouTube tracks and videos.

    Quote Originally Posted by pdxdjazz View Post

    When sharing songs of your own composition, list your name as composer and if you could include a link to either an audio file or YouTube, your original chord chart would have some context for others.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2021


    Thank you so much! I searched like crazy before I posted and couldn’t find a thing! You can bet I’ll be giving credit for sure! This is so awesome, truly life changing for me. Wish I would have found this app years ago!

  4. #4


    Many of us feel the same way!

    FYI, I copied your post to this thread:

    Don’t forget to leave a review in the App Store.

    I haven’t seen advertising for iReal pro anywhere....
    We continue to rely entirely on users just like *you* to share this incredible tool with other musicians.
    You do your part, we'll keep doing ours.
    Thank you,

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2012


    If we're posting original compositions/arrangements (or links to the audio, etc.), which area on the Forum should we post those?

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by MCJazzer View Post
    If we're posting original compositions/arrangements (or links to the audio, etc.), which area on the Forum should we post those?
    When sharing a song that is your own original composition, please include a link to either an audio file or YouTube so your original chord chart would have some context for others.

    Only post audio and YouTube links as follows:

    1.context for your own original compositions

    2.when requesting a song be added to the Forums
    Please review this helpful info: show the source of a tune you have transcribed to an iRp chart and are posting.

    Don’t post random audio tracks to share or promote. (that's spam) this is not Facebook.

    Where to post?

    Start a new thread titled like this:
    song title - composer name (you)
    Include any other information in the body of the post.

    Post it in the most appropriate genre Forum
    Select the best choice from the five at the top of this list.

    Remember, just because you prefer to play your tune as a "bossa" doesn’t make it a Brazilian song.

    If you have a playlist of your original songs, you could share it in a single thread titled:
    <your name> songs
    and share a link to your SoundCloud, Bandcamp or youtube channel where the audio for your songs lives.
    You could add more of your original songs to that thread as a reply in the future.

    Your arrangements or reharms of other peoples compositions should be added the existing song discussion thread for that tune. If no song thread for that tune has been started (yet) go ahead and start it.
    review the guidelines for posting charts:

    Looking forward to your tunes

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    Thought I would mention that the venue will have to pay the RIAA for you to play copywritten music unless it is Public Domain.
    Wondering if we should/could have a Public Domain list for users?
    Don't post a playlist as the songs in a Realbook if the changes aren't from the book.
    If you do transcribe changes from a book put it in the title RB1, RB2, GGB, Sher, etc

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Bobsax View Post
    Thought I would mention that the venue will have to pay the RIAA for you to play copywritten music unless it is Public Domain.
    Wondering if we should/could have a Public Domain list for users?
    Waaaaay beyond the pervue of iRp.

    Look here


  9. #9


    I could be wrong but I am pretty sure you can’t copyright chord progressions, hence the practice of contrafact by jazz artists.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Tomtowle View Post
    I could be wrong but I am pretty sure you can’t copyright chord progressions, hence the practice of contrafact by jazz artists.



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