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Thread: Download whole database? (research project)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2020

    Default Download whole database? (research project)


    In the frame of a master thesis I am trying to train a deep learning algorithm on MIDI files representing jazz standards.
    The Irealpro database would be a perfect start but I only how to extract the XLM or MIDI files one by one in the app.
    I am obviously not going to be able to download 1650+ files per hand from the app, is there a way to extract every standard at once ?
    If not, are you aware of a database where someone actually extracted the whole Ireal pro ?

    Thanks in advance for your help,


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2013


    Hi Corentin. That's an intersting project. What you're after are the titles, right? Sounds like from the title you can hook in two engines:
    1) Look for the chord structure on the internet,
    2) Feed the changes into (build) a new midi file

    The result could be very useful, i agree. You'll need a programmer to build a Bot and a midi file. After that its piece of cake as they say.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Are you wanting the midi files of each song?
    Have you given any thought to the form of the song, repeats, playback style, coda etc.?
    Assuming you have set each song with those appropriate settings, if you have iReal Pro on Mac, you could try using Apple Automator or other scripting app. (Unfortunately there is no key command available for sharing the midi file, but presumably it could be recorded as a mouse action?)

  4. #4


    I am obviously not going to be able to download 1650+ files per hand from the app,
    This may sound as a stupid remark, but can't you use deep learning AI algorithms to interface with iRealPro and retrieve the MIDI files?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by dflat View Post
    Are you wanting the midi files of each song?
    Have you given any thought to the form of the song, repeats, playback style, coda etc.?
    Yes that's right, what I need are all the MIDI files, coupled with the names of the chords to be able to train the algorithm. This works wonderfully in XLM because this format contains both representation already.
    I don't own a mac and don't have the slightest idea how to work with the apple command-line terminal ... :/

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by sciurius View Post
    This may sound as a stupid remark, but can't you use deep learning AI algorithms to interface with iRealPro and retrieve the MIDI files?
    Well, even if a lot people are working on it, deep learning algorithm are at the moment not so "intelligent" : they can only do what they were designed and trained for (but they are very good at it).
    Also automatically retrieving files from Ireal pro is something that would need to be programmed from scratch, not trained and to be honnest I don't have the programming skills to do it.

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