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Thread: Check several Songs and delete them at once

  1. #1

    Default Check several Songs and delete them at once

    I downloaded the Jazz list a second time, because it is larger than the old one I had. Now I have 2500 Songs double, one of each marked with a '1'. I can search them all with search of _1 (space+1). It would be helpful, if I could mark them (single or all in one) and delete the marked ones.

  2. #2


    If you haven't yet deleted the jazz 1350 playlist, you could Delete/MOVE SONGS TO TRASH. (Just that new playlist)
    That should remove the _1 duplicates in your main library.
    Then download this list instead (just the 50 added songs)

  3. #3


    Thanks Bob, but I was unfortunately too quick: the list is already deleted ...

  4. #4


    If you could make a playlist of the songs you have edited. You could email the song-code to yourself.
    (Also make a backup of the app's content)
    Then delete all content, reload the main playlists And your "special" list...
    Yeah, it's a hassle...

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by pdxdjazz View Post
    If you could make a playlist of the songs you have edited. You could email the song-code to yourself.
    Uff, that would be hard: I edited lots of standards according to chords in '577 Jazz standards', added a '557' to the songname, but didn't make a playlist of them.
    Copying to a playlist would be easy, if I search '557', mark all and move them to the new playlist.
    But here we are at the root of the thread: It is not possible, to mark several (or all) songs in a search to apply any treatment (delete, move...). Pitty! Would be a great help...

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