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Thread: French Renaissance Dance Music - Pierre Attaingnant

  1. #61


    Attaingnant A (25)

    1. 1 basse danse - Attaingnant
    2. 3 Basse Danse - Attaingnant
    3. 7 Tourdion - Attaingnant
    4. 8 Tourdion - Attaingnant
    5. 12 Branle Simple - Attaingnant
    6. 14 Branle Simple - Attaingnant
    7. 15 Branle Simple - Attaingnant
    8. 16 Branle Simple - Attaingnant
    9. 17 branle simple - Attaingnant
    10. 18 Branle Simple - Attaingnant
    11. 21 Branle Simple - Attaingnant
    12. 22 Branle Gay - Attaingnant
    13. 23 Branle Gay - Attaingnant
    14. 24 Branle Double - Attaingnant
    15. 25 Branle Double - Attaingnant
    16. 26 Branle Double - Attaingnant
    17. 27 Branle de Champaigne - Attaingnant
    18. 28 Branle Courant - Attaingnant
    19. 32 Basse Danse - Attaingnant
    20. 42 Branle Gay - Attaingnant
    21. 46 Pavane - Attaingnant
    22. 47 Pavane - Attaingnant
    23. 48 Gaillarde - Attaingnant
    24. 49 Gaillarde - Attaingnant
    25. 50 Gaillarde - Attaingnant

  2. #62



  3. #63


    Hello, here's a new list : the same 25 first dances with other names and "playlist" sequences. In the same tone, a quick tune follows a slow one and so on. Boucles D'Oreille A (25)

    1. 1a Majestueuse p47 F - Attaingnant
    2. 1b la Brumeuse g49 F - Attaingnant
    3. 2a le Plaintif brd24 - Attaingnant
    4. 2b le Branle Courant 28 - Attaingnant
    5. 2c le Glorieux brg42 - Attaingnant
    6. 3a la Revenante p46 - Attaingnant
    7. 3b la Follia bsd3 - Attaingnant
    8. 3c le Sault t8 - Attaingnant
    9. 4a le Suspendu brs16 F - Attaingnant
    10. 4b la Fa bsd32 F - Attaingnant
    11. 5a la Marche brs12 - Attaingnant
    12. 5b Mari je songeois l'aultre jour brg22 - Attaingnant
    13. 6a le Joyeux brs14 - Attaingnant
    14. 6b le Guerrier brs17 - Attaingnant
    15. 6c le Solennel brs21 - Attaingnant
    16. 7a la Noble bd1 - Attaingnant
    17. 7b le Simple t7 - Attaingnant
    18. 8a le Trompettant brchp27 - Attaingnant
    19. 8b la Demande brs15 - Attaingnant
    20. 8c l'Aigu brg23 - Attaingnant
    21. 9a Que l'amour cause de peines brs18 - Attaingnant
    22. 9b la Ollagnier g48 - Attaingnant
    23. 10a l'Oriental brd25 F - Attaingnant
    24. 10b A Paris y a-t-une vieille brd26 F - Attaingnant
    25. 11 Gardarem las Vacas g50 F - Attaingnant

    Keep it up !


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