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Thread: French Renaissance Dance Music - Pierre Attaingnant

  1. #1

    Default French Renaissance Dance Music - Pierre Attaingnant

    Hello, french renaissance dance music charts are now available on ireal pro. If you know english Fitzwilliam Virginal Book, you'll be fond of Pierre Attaingnant's Pavanes, Gaillardes, Basses Dances, Tourdions and Branles. More infos later. Enjoy !
    Last edited by pdxdjazz; 02-01-2018 at 04:36 PM. Reason: Copied content from elsewhere

  2. #2


    More info and links to some scores:,_...gnant,_Pierre)

    Also, thank you for including a 50-chart playlist
    (later in this thread) containing the tunes you have posted and described individually below.

    Last edited by pdxdjazz; 02-07-2018 at 07:10 PM.

  3. #3


    Thanks Bob

  4. #4


    Basse Dance 1 - Attaingnant
    This is a second attempt to share the first wonderful basse dance from Attaingnant's 1547 book. Thank you for Irealpro.

  5. #5

    Default Attaingnant 2nd book 2nd dance

    Ready to dance ? Ready to play ? This is the second Basse Dance, with a typical 3/2 measure enlarging the 3/4 pattern. Basse Dance 2 - Attaingnant
    More to come

  6. #6

    Default Third Basse Dance is a Follia

    This one is a famous one : you may recognize a Follia, simple draft as solid as a tree : you may invent all variations as you like. Basse Dance 3 - Attaingnant

  7. #7

    Default Fourth basse dance

    The fourth Basse Dance gives us a tender climate, even a little bit sad. But if you play first this Basse Dance (bas is low in english), the pretty Tourdion will come soon. They go together, as a pair. And now, music. "Oh, beat the drum slowly and play the fife lowly..." Basse Dance 4 - Attaingnant

  8. #8


    Celle qui m'a le nom d'amy donné. This song (she gave me the name of friend) inspire this dance, Attaingnant as all printers gives us embellishments of "à la mode "songs .Basse Dance 5 Celle qui m'a le nom d'amy donné - Attaingnant

  9. #9

    Default Basse Dance La Volunté. 6xth

    Sixth Basse Dance is based on song "La Volunté" ( willingness ). No comment. Basse Dance 6 La Volunté - Attaingnant

  10. #10

    Default Eigth dance, tourdion

    Bouncing dance, this is a quite simple tourdion.Tourdion 8 - Attaingnant


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