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Thread: Cuting and pasting bars in a template - entering new song in editor

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    Default Cuting and pasting bars in a template - entering new song in editor


    I'm inputting a song that is actually BABAB and I would like to be able to use the 32 bar AABA template.

    So my question is: using this template, can I copy the B section and paste it at the beginning on top of the first A section. So far I have been unable to get the cursor in front of the first A section.

    I would also like to put a 4 bar intro before the first B section.

    Or do I need to just start with a blank sheet and build it from scratch?


  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by Reealin View Post

    I'm inputting a song that is actually BABAB and I would like to be able to use the 32 bar AABA template.

    So my question is: using this template, can I copy the B section and paste it at the beginning on top of the first A section. So far I have been unable to get the cursor in front of the first A section.

    I would also like to put a 4 bar intro before the first B section.

    Or do I need to just start with a blank sheet and build it from scratch?

    Making a new chart

    Unless it’s a lengthy chart, I find it easiest to start with the built-in 48 bar template. (4, 4space bars across each system, top to bottom)

    First, I fill out the info (i) screen -- title, composer, suggested chart-style and key

    Then I add a left-double-bar, time-sig, and rehearsal-mark (IN, V, or letter) in the first space. Press "save". I like to press "save" frequently as I go because I am often switching between a reference chart and the one I'm editing. If the app should inconveniently decide to re-start, by "saving" as I go, I can pick-up where I left off instead of starting over.

    Next I fill in the chords, adding endings, repeats, S/N, symbols, text, changing bar lines as neccessary and finally deleting unused bar lines and adjusting space to position 2nd endings directly below 1st endings as I go.

    If sequences are repeated later in the chart, I'll highlight, copy, paste to save time and then make corrections to the pasted section as required. Lastly, highlight/cut any remaining unused bars at the bottom of the chart

    Save the chart: save/done

    The final step is set the preferred player style, tempo and then play the chart to be sure it works/sounds like I want/expect.

    Using the blank 48 bar template, you can easily put anything anywhere. It goes pretty quickly after you've made a few charts.
    Last edited by pdxdjazz; 01-14-2018 at 03:13 PM.


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