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Thread: Looping ideas

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Default Looping ideas

    Start the selected section from the beginning again.

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE iReal Pro by the way!!

    One small thing though. I am practising say the "A" section only, so I mark that section (say 16 bars) and I can then repeat that section over again. But after a couple of bars I make a mistake (I'm learning so it happens often ;-) ). Now I can pause the play and start again, but if I want to start from the beginning of the selected section I have to either wait for the tune to get back to the beginning or stop and then re-select the "A" section. Wouldn't it be great if once you pause a selected passage the current bar was highlighted with symbols for "continue" or "start from beginning of selection".

    Just an idea. :-)

    Thanks all for a great application !!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Beans1900 View Post
    Start the selected section from the beginning again.

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE iReal Pro by the way!!

    One small thing though. I am practising say the "A" section only, so I mark that section (say 16 bars) and I can then repeat that section over again. But after a couple of bars I make a mistake (I'm learning so it happens often ;-) ). Now I can pause the play and start again, but if I want to start from the beginning of the selected section I have to either wait for the tune to get back to the beginning or stop and then re-select the "A" section. Wouldn't it be great if once you pause a selected passage the current bar was highlighted with symbols for "continue" or "start from beginning of selection".

    Just an idea. :-)

    Thanks all for a great application !!!
    You're right Beans1900 , after pause it starts up where you left it and in loop mode the only way to get back to the top is to ;
    1) wait for it to go around the loop or
    2) press stop which erases the loop and you have to enter the loop again.

    A couple things;
    I have a loop on my transcribing app (gAssistant) that alway goes to the beginning of the loop when you press the space bar.
    I'm not sure that would be popular here?

    I'd say that you should set the loop at a bar before the place you made a mistake and one bar after it and just play it till you have it down perfect .
    One of the great things about IrealPro is how quickly you can set up your loops.
    I'm a teacher and I used to use Smart Music but it was really slow to reset a song and the loop process is very time consuming.
    IrealPro is great because it's fast to set up and get playing.

    Here's what I have my students do when learning a song ;
    If it's an AABA tune with 8 bars in each section.
    1)Loop the first 4bars and practice the head , scales or whatever?
    2) do the same thing with bars 5-8
    3) then put all 8 bars together and loop
    4) Do steps 1,2 and 3 with the bridge
    5) do the whole song

    good luck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    Default 30 repeat limit

    hey im new in the forum. thanks for the great app! is this possible to have unlimited repeats instead of the 30?
    greets and keep up the good work!

  4. #4


    Yes, the player feature currently can be set to repeat a chart up to 30 times.
    As a work around, depending on the complexity of the chart, you could try adding repeat brackets at the start and end with a text instruction:
    like 8x (available in the text menu) which, for example, would repeat the form 8 times for each player repeat = 240 repeats.
    I think higher numbers can be used, but I haven't tested that.

    For continuous repeating play, try the LOOP - function.
    Highlight the measures you want to loop (even the whole chart) and start the loop playing 🔁.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2016


    the looping function is amazing!!

  6. #6

    Default why is it limited to 30 repeats?

    should be an infinite loop option

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Default Quickly restarting a looped section

    If you select a number of bars of the chart to repeat, then start, then (as I often do) mess up you have to wait till you get back to the beginning of your selection to start again. That, or, you can stop, select the section again and start again. Wouldn't it be great though if there was a button to start from the beginning of your selected section again? In previous versions you could do this by changing the tempo by 1bpm and that forced the section to start from the beginning. Now with the latest updates you can change the tempo and iReal B just carries on with the new tempo. When you select a section to repeat the number displaying the repeats (3x, 4x, etc) changes to a loop symbol. Currently this does nothing if pressed and it would be perfect to use that to start the marked section again.
    Thanks in advance for giving this idea consideration as it is quite frustrating at times having to stop, remark a section to repeat and starting again.


  8. #8


    That would be a convenient feature, thanks for starting the discussion.

    But....why do you "have to wait" for the beginning to start again?
    When playing live, it's really important to have developed the skills to deal with musical hiccups without letting your train get derailed. Stopping (and calling attention to mistakes) is a bad habit.

    When you are having trouble it's probably good to slow the tempo until it's easily playable and set the practice mode to very gradually increase the speed.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2015


    Hi Bob
    This isn't for when playing live which, as you mentioned, you wouldn't want to stop in that case. This is for when practicing tricky sections of songs. What I do is highlight the section I'm trying to improve and then go round it a few times.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Default Improve the UI of the loop mode

    I have three points regarding the loop mode which will improve the function a lot IMHO:

    1. Don't deselect the loop region after hitting the stop button when playing. Hitting the stop button in stopped mode deselects the loop which is the current behaviour. The loop can be restarted (from the beginning) with the play button when in stopped mode.

    2. Don't deselect the loop region when tapping inside the loop region, only deselect when tapping outside or when the stop button is pressed. I often deselect when the start marker inside the region is not hit exactly (which is too easy IMHO)

    3. A selected loop can also be started with the play button.


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