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Thread: Big Calm, The - Axel Kirch-Justin Darcy

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Default Big Calm, The - Axel Kirch-Justin Darcy

    These are the links to a lead sheet and an iReal chart for a song composed by myself (gtr) and my friend Justin (tpt). Wouldn't mind some constructive feedback! Since I'm sort of new to this software I couldn't figure out how to make it play a final part A after the last repetition and then finish.
    Big Calm, The - Lead Sheet in Concert Pitch
    Big Calm, The - Axel Kirch/Justin Darcy

  2. #2


    The lead sheet only displays a blank screen.
    Please describe the song"s form you want referencing the rehearsal marks.
    ie: In,AABAC .? Or In,AABC,coda(A) ?

    When sharing songs of your own composition in the main song forums, please include a link to either an audio file or YouTube so your original chart will have context.
    Thanks for sharing
    Last edited by pdxdjazz; 08-27-2017 at 04:03 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2016


    Hey, thank you! The form in the iReal chart should be

    In |: A A B C :| A

    I'll try to put up a recording soon.

  4. #4


    Because of the repeating bars in the A section, making the whole A repeat is more difficult. Your DS solution is inventive.

    See if this chart plays as you want

    Big Calm 1, The - Axel Kirch/Justin Darcy

    I had to condense the B section because of space limitations.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by pdxdjazz View Post
    When sharing songs of your own composition in the main song forums, please include a link to either an audio file or YouTube so your original chart will have context.
    I did a quick and dirty recording with two gtr tracks to give you an idea what it's supposed to sound like:
    “The Big Calm” Theme Demo
    Also the theme underwent some very slight changes to allow for some flexibility in the C-part:
    Big Calm, The — updated Lead Sheet in Concert Pitch

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