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I use iRealPro to compose harmonies around my melodies, and since I am a fusion/post-bop/avant-garde composer, I find myself unable to write out the chords I actually want, a lot of the time.
Perhaps iReal is not the best tool for the OP?
When composing I too enjoy playing with harmony. One of my favorite sounds is the stacked major 7. Just play a major seven above every note.
With a triad it's a C triad under a B triad under a Bb under an A etc. As a realtime playable chord though you could play a C^ in the left hand and an Eb-^ in the right . I could see using this as an ending chord with a performance oriented chart. Or even with the "Long Tones" style for avant garde playing.
I don't think iReal has the ability to be so specific with voicing a chord? It would be cool though 
For jazz however , I think some folks may be confused about the function of a chord chart.
Remember Jazz is linear not horizontal . It is the scales of the lead counterpointing with the scales of the bass . The chord instrument function is a little more subjective but it's basically to help progress the harmonic motion moving forward.
For instance in my chart of "ALL OF ME" I use a lot of b97's and b9b13's because those altered notes are what I will most likely play in my solo.
BUT ...I do not want the piano player to bang down b97's and b9b13's. Instead I just want to make sure he doesn't play any major 9's or 13's.
I use this chart for playing with real musicians.
All Of Me Bob - Gerald Marks
and this chart for practicing with the play along feature of iReal.
All Of Me------ Bob - Gerald Marks
To my ears the chart with the b9's and b13's sounds awful.
What do you all think ?
Don't post a playlist as the songs in a Realbook if the changes aren't from the book.
If you do transcribe changes from a book put it in the title RB1, RB2, GGB, Sher, etc