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Thread: More "advanced" chord options

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Default More "advanced" chord options

    I use iRealPro to compose harmonies around my melodies, and since I am a fusion/post-bop/avant-garde composer, I find myself unable to write out the chords I actually want, a lot of the time.

    It would be great if you could add:

    X7sus13 and X-7sus13
    X7(add 6) and X-7(add 6)
    X+7 (Augmented triad, dominant 7)
    X+Maj7 (Augmented triad, major 7)
    XdimMaj7 (diminished triad, major 7)
    Modal chords (Xlyd., Xphryg., etc.)

    I may have forgot some in there, but adding these would be a huge help!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    you can do a lot with the forward slash /
    Like D/Eb and E/Eb ....

    some piano players are like harmonic mad scientists
    I think I'll make this my quote

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Bobsax View Post
    some piano players are like harmonic mad scientists
    Couldn't agree more. One of my favourite sayings is "these guitar chords seem to be contrived by a piano player".

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by cabe277 View Post
    I use iRealPro to compose harmonies around my melodies, and since I am a fusion/post-bop/avant-garde composer, I find myself unable to write out the chords I actually want, a lot of the time.

    It would be great if you could add:

    X7sus13 and X-7sus13
    X7(add 6) and X-7(add 6)
    X+7 (Augmented triad, dominant 7)
    X+Maj7 (Augmented triad, major 7)
    XdimMaj7 (diminished triad, major 7)
    Modal chords (Xlyd., Xphryg., etc.)

    I may have forgot some in there, but adding these would be a huge help!

    Most of your chords are in iRealpro. Just written differently than yours. Ray

    For example G7sus13 = Dm9/G assuming your sus means sus 4
    Last edited by raymb1; 06-23-2015 at 10:46 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2013


    I agree, but in some instances, iReal pro doesn't always play slash chords correctly (especially when the upper part of the chord is 4 notes or more).
    For example, a CMaj7/G is actually played as a C/G chord (omitting the Major 7th).
    I couldn't find a way to play that chord (2nd bar of the verse from the song "Something" by the Beatles).
    It sounds weird without the Maj 7th, because there should be a chromatic descending motion from root, Maj7, min7.
    Anyway, I just bring this to your attention.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2014


    I would like to see a "Custom Chords " addition to the App. So that I can create and edit my Chords. Like a Major7b5 for instance which be different than A Maj7#11. I would buy the Upgrade.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2017


    I think it would be Nice with a extra custom setting where Ine could actually compose ones own voicings of the chosen Chords , There one could also make any mad harmony scientist decision one wanted to :-)

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2013


    Yes, this is a very good idea!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Default Chord names

    The editor already has a great number of chord structures, however it'd be awesome if it allowed more of them, such as:
    • X-∆7♭5 (minor chord with a flat five and a major seven)
    • X-∆13 (minor chord with a major seven and an added 13)
    • …
    Last edited by pdxdjazz; 06-06-2017 at 07:37 PM. Reason: Moved to existing discussion thread

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2013


    C-∆7♭5 for instance is actually a B/C (B triad over C bass). This kind of chord can be played without any problem with iRealPro
    About the other one X-∆13, I don't think iRealPro can play it exactly.
    Using slash chords gives lots of options.
    Rather than having a chord library that display all possible combination of chords (possible few thousands!), it would make more sense to have basic chord structures to create all type of chords using slash chords.
    I've mentioned in previous posts a few basic chord structures that are missing in iRealPro. With those ones added, a lot of new chords could be created without any problem using slash chords.
    For ex:
    1) C(b5) which includes the notes C, E and Gb (without the 7th)
    2) C-(add9) which includes the notes C, Eb, G, D (without the 7th)
    3) Csus(add3) which includes the notes C, F, E, G (without the 7th)
    (That chord played with A on the bass Csus(add3)/A can creates a real minor 7th flat 6 chord (FMaj7/A doesn't sound the same with iRealPro). A bunch of other chords could be created as well when using other notes on the bass.
    If the developers could add those three chord types, that could considerably expand the chord choices!

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