G'day Sam,
1. To get help with a chart, don't post an image, rather post the chart-in-progress correctly. That saves having to re-enter all the chords into the editor. I see you already discovered Small/Normal.
2. The player doesn't recognize sus2. It will play add2. Just using "2” as a quality (eg. A2) is something you can try also.
"sus4” is redundant. Using "sus" implies the fourth unless otherwise specified.
3. The player will work fine even though chords overlap.
4. The player gets confused by random numbers of spaces in a measure and it's not clear when the chord should play.
By doubling the number of spaces the player can figure it out. But...that can cause misalignment later in the chart unless spaces are also removed. I find it more difficult to follow charts that have measures that are different lengths than having a few chords that overlap a little. You can also copy the unreadable chord above as an alternate chord or just the quality below using text.
Neither affects the player.
Please review the layout conventions.
Chart Layout Conventions
It's best to start a chart using a template, then highlight/cut unused bar lines at the end. (Not done in the example chart)
Example chart for the above suggestions
Beyond Small-Normal Chords - Example
Last edited by pdxdjazz; 03-30-2016 at 10:08 PM.
Cheers, Bob.
Your post and example chart is most helpful!
Thank you very much.
When chord changes come 4 to the bar, sometimes the chord symbols overlap the bar lines, even when the "Small" font is used, as in the attached example. It's even worse when "slash chords" are specified.
In the attached example, I'd like to expand the measures in the second line so that it expands to two lines, with two measures per line. My guess is that this involves the use of the <X and +> buttons, but despite a long time trying, I have not been able to figure out how to do this.
Can you please supply me with detailed instructions for doing this?
Last edited by pdxdjazz; 03-11-2018 at 08:15 PM. Reason: Moved to existing discussion thread
Wait'n for you to post the chart in iRp format.posted earlier in this thread:
1. To get help with a chart, don't post an image, rather post the chart-in-progress correctly. That saves having to re-enter all the chords into the editor. I see you already discovered Small/Normal.
How do I export an iRp file? I looked for such an option, but could not find it either under the Share > Share chordchart options in the GUI or in any of the menus in the menu bar.
By the way, I could export an HTML file, which I thought was the usual mechanism for sharing charts, but the Forum does not accept HTML attachments.
Last edited by shenkin; 03-11-2018 at 10:21 PM.
Share,iRp format, forums
Reply to this post
Hidden Clipboard...
There is a detailed tutorial inside the app.
In OSX look under: Help/Tutorials and Help/Help & Support.
Also online at http://irealpro.com/support
And http://irealpro.com/manual
Last edited by pdxdjazz; 03-11-2018 at 10:32 PM.
OK, that worked.
Thanks, so far.
I already looked at the manual on line but couldn't find anything on this. If you tell me exactly were to look (like a specific url) that might be helpful.
Home (When Shadows Fall) P - Harry and Jeff Clarkson, Peter van Steeden
Last edited by shenkin; 03-11-2018 at 10:56 PM.
I actually took another look at the tutorials and this time I found what I was looking for. I think we're almost there.
The following chart is pretty much what I want, but I cannot get the end-repeat sign at the end of the first ending (measure 8) to move over one space so it aligns with the bar lines above and below. If I place the cursor right after it and hit the +> button, which would move a bar line over, it does not move the repeat sign over; it just adds a space after it.
Cottage For Sale P Alt - Willard Robison
Place the cursor over the last chord in the 1st ending, enter the close-repeat barline (again)....it's gone.
Move the cursor to the next space, enter the close-repeat barline.
I reset the chart to normal font and removed un-needed slashes and time-sig on the final A-section.
Please use the small font only when necessary to fit several chords in a crowded measure.
The normal font is easier to read on smaller (phone) screens.
Cottage For Sale P Alt 1 - Willard Robison
Please add alternate versions to the discussion thread for that song (or start the thread) in the song forums.
Last edited by pdxdjazz; 03-12-2018 at 12:51 AM.