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Thread: Save one song from imported playlist?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Default Save one song from imported playlist?

    Is it possible to save one song from an imported playlist without having to delete, say, 316 songs?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    The web editor was originally designed to input or edit songs and make playlists, not specifically to extract, but this procedure might work.

    After importing the complete playlist into the web editor, Copy all the code from the Forums box and paste into a basic text editor (Notepad or Text Edit for instance) on your computer.

    You will be able to work out each song as they start at the beginning of a text line and the beginning of a song starts with:
    [ url=irealbook://xxx
    and this song ends with:
    xxx and the name of the composer.
    (where xxx is the name of the song)

    Delete the songs you do not want above and below that song.

    Delete from the beginning of your song:
    [ URL=

    Delete from the end:
    ] xxx [/URL] by yyy
    where xxx is the title of the song and yyy the composer name
    - note that you have to delete the closing square bracket ] just before the title and then to the right of it at the end of the composer name.

    So now it should start with:
    and end with the sign:

    Copy that text making sure you do not add extra spaces at the front or (more likely) at the end of the code (just take the text as you see it and nothing more.)
    Open a new web editor (called New Song), Paste the code into Import box and click on Import button.
    In theory this should be your single song.

    You will probably want to verify it works by emailing to iReal b on your device and testing it opens, plays, transposes etc. (of course there may be faults in the original song in the playlist so you will need to check all is working.)

    No guarantees this will work, but hopefully it will.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2011


    Thank you. That worked just fine. Ed

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by esapala View Post
    Thank you. That worked just fine. Ed
    Great, thanks for letting me know Ed. I will leave this thread here for any others needing to do this.
    I have noticed some playlists have slightly organization of the code where there are individual songs at the bottom of the code so you can look there first.

  5. #5

    Default Web Editor is no longer available

    Web Editor is no longer available

    Last edited by pdxdjazz; 03-24-2016 at 02:23 PM.

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