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Thread: NEW USERS: start here

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default NEW USERS: start here

    Start with the user instructions here:

    (this is an old thread but this post has been updated for iReal Pro)
    Dec 2013

    Cannot log in or registration problems or lost password:
    You do NOT need to register in order to download songs or playlists.

    To import from forums, open iReal pro on your device, then:
    More/(Help on Mac)>Tutorials

    or read this:
    - connect to forums within iReal Pro (your device must be connected to internet)
    - attachment shows where to tap/click to activate download
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Download Jazz 1300.png 
Views:	1062 
Size:	21.4 KB 
ID:	382
    tap/click on attachment to view
    The download will open iReal Pro and import.

    There is a detailed tutorial inside the app in More.../Tutorials and /Help &Support
    just touch the "?" In the circle at the top of any chart.
    In OSX look under: Help/Tutorials and Help/Help & Support.
    Also online - from computer:
    - from mobile:

    Instructional Videos

    Also read the Guides and Articles: (started in 2015, very useful!)

    Some quick start playlists:

    1300 Jazz standards:

    Gypsy jazz:





    Use our custom-coded Advanced Search (Magnifying-glass icon, top right from any forum page) to locate songs or keyword search.

    Always backup regularly and before updating. Beginners, run a few tests to make sure your backup procedure works (make some quick songs, backup, delete, restore from backup.)

    (backups can be stored in your emails)


    More>Backup (do this regularly.) A window will open with choices as to where you want to save the backup
    Settings>Backup and reset>Backup my data, if set to ON, it should back up all your applications' data (although Google does not guarantee this will work for every device.) This is mainly used when restoring or for your new device.

    [B]Dropbox, Google Drive, Box[B]
    with a cloud app installed on your device, you will have the option to save backups (or individual songs or playlists) to the cloud.

    backup before updating (see Backup above).
    Check for updates in the App store:
    iOS, Mac - App store
    Android - Play store

    "No melodies, no lyrics…”
    Copyright, rules for posting songs at forum:

    Song creation/editing
    Our layout conventions:

    Instructional videos:


    Use our temporary Sandbox forum area to practice uploading songs to the forum or for transferring between your devices. We delete posts there regularly so it is not for your official uploads to the other members nor for storing your backups.

    Lost password for this forum

    iReal Pro website
    information on iReal Pro for Android, Mac, iOS; Support, Help.


    Use an Airturn device to turn pages, start, stop playback - foot pedals, hand-held devices (only for iOS5 and above)

    Playing live (and multitasking mode)
    (also see Airturn)

    When you have more experience with iReal Pro, you may like to upload any songs you have prepared which are missing from the forum, answer questions, post your thoughts or solutions.
    Thanks ... and have fun!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	import from forums.jpg 
Views:	531 
Size:	43.5 KB 
ID:	367  
    Last edited by pdxdjazz; 02-24-2017 at 10:42 PM. Reason: Updated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default How to uninstall iReal Pro

    UPDATE January 2019
    There's still a lot of helpful information in this thread.
    You can find current how-to info here:

    DEC 2013

    Backup your songs and playlists
    creates an email with all songs and playlists, send to yourself (back to your iOS device so you can reinstall it all)

    Long-press on iReal Pro (it should not open) and all user apps will start to jiggle

    Press the X cross to delete iReal Pro

    Press the Home button to return to normal mode.

    To reinstall, use the same iTunes account (iOS device's More>Store) so you are not charged again at the App Store. (iReal Pro and in-app purchases of Style packs are only charged on your iTunes account the first time they are purchased.)
    Tap on your backup in Mail app to import your backup songs/playlists.

    Settings—Restore purchases
    If you need to clear data:
    iReal Pro More>Erase all content and Settings

    To backup your songs and playlists:
    creates an email with all songs and playlists, email to yourself

    To uninstall iReal Pro:
    Home>More>Apps>iReal Pro ... Uninstall
    (or similar, depending on your Android device.)
    Assuming automatic backup is ON in your device's Settings, when you reinstall iReal Pro, it should import your songs and playlists automatically
    (Google does not absolutely guarantee this however, and it will be the latest backup it had done). If not, then you have your backup in your email.

    Uninstalling iReal Pro is seldom needed but could be used if you think there is some kind of problem in the way it is behaving. It is usually not necessary to do update when a new version is released, as the new version keeps user data intact (although we recommend backing up just to be sure your data does not get lost or something goes wrong).
    Last edited by pdxdjazz; 01-27-2019 at 03:48 PM.

  3. #3

    Default Posting a song or a list of songs on Forum

    I had to do a lot of experimenting to be able to get my songs into Forum. I believe that a straight-ahead step-by-step description would be very beneficial and make the process easier. Here is the way I would present the process of
    "How to Submit Tunes to iReal Forums" .

    1) In iReal, select the song or playlist

    2) In the lower left-hand corner of iReal, click the first icon on the left (a box with an arrow) and select Song (Playlist) to Forums.

    3)From a pop-up window, select "Open Forums"

    4) Select a category (Jazz; Brazilian; Pop...)

    5) Select "Post New Thread"

    6) In the pop-up message area, first Title your entry, then click in the blank message space and hit Command V. Your song (or list) will appear in two forms: Coded numbers, then the actual titles. (Don't be confused by all the numbers. They belong there)

    7) Below the message window, and off to the right, select "Preview Post' (If anything is wrong, a pop-up will tell you)

    8) Select "Submit New Thread". You are done.
    be2sharp, A1tradjazz

  4. #4



    Sometimes you have to decide between a crowded, single-page chart for the player feature or having easily readable multi-page chart(s) for the performer.

    Because this wonderful app is designed for a single-page cell phone platform, there will be some limitations.
    If you are composing a lengthy symphony, iReal Pro is probably not your first choice.
    The app was designed to DISPLAY the changes to a song on a single page on a small screen. A PERFECT portable, in your pocket, transposing fakebook.
    If you're looking to handle long, complex arrangements on a single page, in iReal Pro, it's a challenge.

    The wonderful player feature was initially intended as a PRACTICE tool. Because of the great work by the developer, some find the player useful in performance.

    To address the issue: How many measures are possible?, if there's only one chord in a measure, only ONE space is required for that bar. Just add a bar-line on each side of that space. So, it's often quite possible to squeeeeeze lots more measures into your chart. Your chart may be ugly, impossible for a performer to easily read and have tiny chords that overlap, but will play just fine by the iRp player feature. Sometimes you just gotta choose what you really need.

    The user may need to choose between having a readable chart, or the player track that works a certain way. For instance, you can force the player to accent off-beats by switching back and forth between time signatures but that can make the chart very difficult to read on the fly.
    More on Half-beats:

    Likewise, you can make the player follow a complex form by writing it all out, but then you must condense the lengthy chart (by shortening measures) to make it fit the small screen, single page format of this wonderful app which makes it hard (or impossible) for the performer to read.

    You can choose to have a lengthy, but easy for the performer to read and play chart by writing it all out, start to finish, top to bottom over multiple pages. Then during performance, simply swipe page to page. I do this for long choral arrangements with various D.S.'s and key changes.
    Make sure you title each chart (page) in a way that will make sense to you.
    Title xyz p1, Title xyz p2, etc.

    You can still use the player feature to practice a part of the arrangement on a single page, but to play the whole song's track, you'd need to export the tracks to a DAW or sequencer, splice them together and play them with an external device.

    Hopefully, in the process of adding more and more layers of features to be all things for all users, iReal Pro won't loose track of the elegant ease and simplicity that was the original hallmark of these incredible apps.

    Last edited by pdxdjazz; 12-19-2015 at 09:54 PM.

  5. #5

    Default Hidden Clipboard...

    Most first-time posters get into trouble because they don't understand that posting a chart/playlist on the Forums takes more than one step.

    First, a copy of the song/chart/playlist *code* must be "copied to your (hidden) clipboard".
    You do that by selecting the "send" (or "share") icon on the app's song-view or playlist screen,
    (iOS: little box with the arrow)
    (android: < *)
    Select "Share Chord Chart"
    Then choose ”Forums".
    That will save the song/playlist *code* to your device's "hidden clipboard".
    Next, go to the forums.
    You can do that through the app or by using your browser.
    Then, that saved code must be pasted (long-press to show paste-button) into a forum post or reply (in the correct place/thread in the forums please) it will appear to be a big block of random text characters like this:

    0lcKQXy%297C%287C%3eadoC%20la%20LZF7%3c44T%7byX%29 G%2f%20LZC7G%2f7%2dD%7cQyX%297bA%28b7AZL%20lcKQyX% 297C%28b%28D%2d7lcKQy7CZL%20%28Ab7%29%2dD%20%207bA ZL%2cbA%2f7b%2dE%20%2cG%2f7%2dD1N%7cQyX7%7c%20G77b A%7cQ7G%7cQyl%20%20%7d%7cyX7G%7cQyX7bA%7c%2cb%2fA7 %2dbE%20%20bA%2f7%2dD2NQ%7cC7XcKQyXeniF%20C7%2cXy% 2eD%3c%20%207bA%7c%7dQyX7%7bC%7dQyX7F%7b%7d%20%20l

    Then the message must be saved/posted.
    Voila! That big block of song-code has been converted to the song/playlist-link.

    New Song - Example

    If your post doesn't appear immediately, it may be held pending moderator review, be patient, check back later.

    Please post personal playlists in the SANDBOX forum.
    The main song forums are for posting NEW songs and arrangements to share for the benefit of all.
    Please use the SANDBOX for personal use, transfers and testing.

    Read this:

    Last edited by pdxdjazz; 12-12-2016 at 11:46 PM.

  6. #6

    Default Using Editor Buttons

    Many buttons in the editor either toggle their entry on/off
    step-through several options before returning to "off".
    Open a drop-down menu for your selection.

    Main/Alternate chords (and text in Android)
    Bar-lines (of various types), bar-repeat symbols, N.C.
    Rehearsal marks
    Ending labels.
    Coda, Segno, Fermata, End
    And down-arrow spaces.

    as additional features are included in the app, the learning-curve also increases.
    Last edited by pdxdjazz; 03-20-2018 at 10:01 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    I am not very up to speed with jazz changes, modes etc and am guessing the exercises would be a good way of becoming more competant. It would be very helpful if there was some more infornation about how and why the exercises are there eg some of the mode exercises have names like Miles is that a Dorian scale based on Miles Davis "so what" or something different.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2013


    If you are a pianist, get a copy of The Jazz Piano Book by Mark Levine from Sher Publishing. For other instrumentalists, consult The Jazz Theory Book by the same author. These are both great resources for jazz theory and have examples, but not the exercises that you might desire. Do a web search for your instrument and modal exercises; I quickly found for sax players. There are loads of resources for guitarists. Take a look at Good luck on your progress!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by Keith88 View Post
    If you are a pianist, get a copy of The Jazz Piano Book by Mark Levine from Sher Publishing. For other instrumentalists, consult The Jazz Theory Book by the same author. These are both great resources for jazz theory and have examples, but not the exercises that you might desire. Do a web search for your instrument and modal exercises; I quickly found for sax players. There are loads of resources for guitarists. Take a look at Good luck on your progress!
    Where Can I find basic instructions how to use the editor for an android OS 4.2.2 for a Galaxy smart phone.
    The video "How to import a 32 bar song in less than 3 min." is cool but its a more of race for experienced users. It does not show me how to basic things. For example... How do I simply erase notations I entered by mistake?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by BCJ View Post
    Where Can I find basic instructions how to use the editor for an android OS 4.2.2 for a Galaxy smart phone... For example... How do I simply erase notations I entered by mistake?
    Did you see the Tutorials in More or touching the question mark ? within the editor?
    There is an eraser above the rehearsal letter A in the editor keyboard.
    The left and right arrows move the cursor around (or tap where you need to be) and underneath the arrows are the insert and delete buttons.
    Some buttons need to be pressed multiple times to select the appropriate symbol (like barlines, Segno etc.)


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