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Thread: Better sounds for iReal

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2015

    Default Better sounds for iReal


    I've been using iReal for quite some time now on both iPhone Mac and I do like it a lot. I play Jazz with it. Anyway, what often keeps me from practicing or switching over to Band in a box with Realtracks is the poor sound experience of iReal.

    Can you please integrate some way to make the instruments sound better? I mean both the sample quality and the velocity of each note or chord that is played back by iReal.
    It sounds like it is always 100% hardness (or velocity of 127 in midi language), with no dynamics in the playing. The jazz styles you offer should have velocity functions in it.
    Thats what I love about Band in a box with real tracks. They just sound like a real band.
    It would be also ok if iReal, at least in the Mac version, would offer an interface to connect to other programs, that can generate the sound (like Garage Band, Logic, Reason etc.)

    That would be awesome.

    Thanks a lot.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2015


    I agree with all of this! It would be nice to have some better sounds.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2015


    I agree this post and require the better sound too.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2015


    Regarding velocity change during a song. Here is my suggestion on how to support it (when it is implemented):
    1) add a "rehearse check box", if checked, will show the 4 instrument check box to select the one(s) the velocity will be rehearsed, a volume slider be shown on the screen
    2) while the song is playing, the user moves the volume slider up / down to achieve the desired velocity and iRealPro "remembers" the velocity changes along the way (velocity per beat would be fine) for the selected instrument(s)

  5. #5


    I agree too!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2014


    Better sounding instruments and accompaniment would be terrific!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by kart672 View Post

    I've been using iReal for quite some time now on both iPhone Mac and I do like it a lot. I play Jazz with it. Anyway, what often keeps me from practicing or switching over to Band in a box with Realtracks is the poor sound experience of iReal.

    Can you please integrate some way to make the instruments sound better? I mean both the sample quality and the velocity of each note or chord that is played back by iReal.
    It sounds like it is always 100% hardness (or velocity of 127 in midi language), with no dynamics in the playing. The jazz styles you offer should have velocity functions in it.
    Thats what I love about Band in a box with real tracks. They just sound like a real band.
    It would be also ok if iReal, at least in the Mac version, would offer an interface to connect to other programs, that can generate the sound (like Garage Band, Logic, Reason etc.)

    That would be awesome.

    Thanks a lot.
    Doesn't the sound you get out of iReal depend on your sound card? Ray

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    I just submitted a thread regarding MIDI implementation. All things considered, the sounds in this app are fine. What would be really cool in my opinion would be to control EVERY parameter of the sounds in real time. For example, you could use a foot pedal to control the volume of one or all of the backing tracks. And imagine controlling lights and start/stop.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2015


    That would be fantastic!!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2011


    Band in a box also costs a few hundred dollars more than iReal Pro.

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