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Thread: Jazz Practice Exercises

  1. #281
    Join Date
    Feb 2015


    This is my first posting. I am taking jazz piano lessons and looking for practice charts like 1-6-2-5-1. Etc. but can't determin how to find the mentioned charts. I did the the few jazz and blues exercise charts but am looking for the ones downloaded by everyone. Thanks.

  2. #282


    Quote Originally Posted by JazzStudent View Post
    This is my first posting. I am taking jazz piano lessons and looking for practice charts like 1-6-2-5-1. Etc. but can't determin how to find the mentioned charts. I did the the few jazz and blues exercise charts but am looking for the ones downloaded by everyone. Thanks.
    The practice chart thread is full of 1-6-2-5-1 exercises, and many others, so just browse the posts, and when you find something you like tap on the link (browse the forum on your device, or from within the iReal app) and the charts will be downloaded and opened in iReal.
    The same goes for any other thread in the forums.
    For details, read the tutorials on the app on downloading from the forums, or the help pages in the forums.
    Happy playing.
    Live freely. Respect the planet.

  3. #283
    Join Date
    Jan 2015

  4. #284
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by JazzStudent View Post
    This is my first posting. I am taking jazz piano lessons and looking for practice charts like 1-6-2-5-1. Etc. but can't determin how to find the mentioned charts. I did the the few jazz and blues exercise charts but am looking for the ones downloaded by everyone. Thanks.
    Hi There Jazz Student
    It doesn't take long to make your own charts.
    The system is very intuitive.
    I suggest you;
    1) choose the 48 bar template
    2) add chords
    3) then trim the extra bars when you're done.
    This can actually be faster then looking around the forum

  5. #285
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Bobsax View Post
    Hi There Jazz Student
    It doesn't take long to make your own charts.
    The system is very intuitive.
    I suggest you;
    1) choose the 48 bar template
    2) add chords
    3) then trim the extra bars when you're done.
    This can actually be faster then looking around the forum
    this took about 5 min
    I'm sure some guys could do it faster
    1,6,2,5- variations - exercise bobsax

  6. #286

    Default Practice Charts

    DeGreg Keybd. Harmony (36)

    Individual songs:
    #01 II-V-I Descending Whole Steps (off 7th) - Exercise - Phil DeGreg Jazz Keybd Harmony
    #02 II-V-I Descending Whole Steps (off 3rd) - Exercise - Phil DeGreg Jazz Keybd Harmony
    #13 II-V-I Minor Descending W Steps (off 7th) - Exercise - Phil DeGreg Jazz Keybd Harmony
    #14 II-V-I Minor Descending W Steps (off 3rd) - Exercise - Phil DeGreg Jazz Keybd Harmony
    #25 Dominant Cycle (off 7th) - Exercise - Phil DeGreg Jazz Keybd Harmony
    #26 Dominant Cycle (off 3rd) - Exercise - Phil DeGreg Jazz Keybd Harmony
    #27 Major Cycle (off 7th) - Exercise - Phil DeGreg Jazz Keybd Harmony
    #28 Major Cycle (off 3rd) - Exercise - Phil DeGreg Jazz Keybd Harmony
    Major I-VI-II-V Turnarounds Around the Cycle - Exercise
    Minor I-VI-II-V Turnarounds Around the Cycle - Exercise
    Major I-IIIo-II-V Turnarounds Around the Cycle - Exercise
    #29 Diminished-Tritone Sub - Phil DeGreg - Jazz Keybd Harmony
    #03 II-V Descending Whole Steps (off 7th) - Exercise - Phil DeGreg Jazz Keybd Harmony
    #04 II-V Descending Whole Steps (off 3rd) - Exercise - Phil DeGreg Jazz Keybd Harmony
    #05 II-V-I Around Key Circle - Exercise - Phil DeGreg Jazz Keybd Harmony
    #06 II-V-I Descending Half Steps (off 7th) - Exercise - Phil DeGreg Jazz Keybd Harmony
    #07 II-V-I Descending Half Steps (off 3rd) - Exercise - Phil DeGreg Jazz Keybd Harmony
    #08 II-V Descending Half Steps (off 7th) - Exercise - Phil DeGreg Jazz Keybd Harmony
    #09 II-V Descending Half Steps (off 3rd) - Exercise - Phil DeGreg Jazz Keybd Harmony
    #10 II-V-I Ascending Minor 3rds (off 7th) - Exercise - Phil DeGreg Jazz Keybd Harmony
    #11 II-V-I Ascending Minor 3rds (off 3rd) - Exercise - Phil DeGreg Jazz Keybd Harmony
    #19 Minor II-V-I Descending H Steps (off 3rd) - Exercise - Phil DeGreg Jazz Keybd Harmony
    #12 II-V-I Random Keys - Exercise - Phil DeGreg Jazz Keybd Harmony
    #15 II-V Minor Descending W Steps (off 7th) - Exercise - Phil DeGreg Jazz Keybd Harmony
    #16 II-V Minor Descending W Steps (off 3rd) - Exercise - Phil DeGreg Jazz Keybd Harmony
    #17 Minor II-V-I Around Key Circle - Exercise - Phil DeGreg Jazz Keybd Harmony
    #18 Minor II-V-I Descending H Steps (off 7th) - Exercise - Phil DeGreg Jazz Keybd Harmony
    #20 Minor II-V Descending H Steps (off 7th) - Exercise - Phil DeGreg Jazz Keybd Harmony
    #21 Minor II-V Descending H Steps (off 3rd) - Exercise - Phil DeGreg Jazz Keybd Harmony
    #22 Minor II-V-I Ascending Minor 3rds (off 7th) - Exercise - Phil DeGreg Jazz Keybd Harmony
    #23 Minor II-V-I Ascending Minor 3rds (3rd) - Exercise - Phil DeGreg Jazz Keybd Harmony
    #24 Minor II-V-I Random Keys - Exercise - Phil DeGreg Jazz Keybd Harmony
    Shews Blues - Exercise - Phil DeGreg
    Blues For The Birds - Exercise-Phil DeGreg
    Rhythm - Exercise-Phil DeGreg
    Minor Thing, A - Exercise-Phil DeGreg

  7. #287
    Join Date
    Apr 2015

    Default Minor II-V's In All Keys

    Minor Major II-V's - Jerry corker

  8. #288
    Join Date
    Apr 2015


    ii V I All Keys (Aebersold) - Unknown Composer

  9. #289
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default Bebop Scales & Patterns - 12 Keys

    These are backing tracks for the scales and examples in Joe Riposo's book, "bebop scales" (2009), which did not come with a CD.

    Joe Riposo (21)

    Individual songs:
    Brief Notes re Riposo Book - JHC
    Major Scales - Chromatic Pattern - Joe Riposo, "bebop scales" (2009) p.6
    Major Scales - 4ths Pattern - Joe Riposo, "bebop scales" (2009) p.8
    Major Scales - Major 3rds Pattern - Joe Riposo, "bebop scales" (2009) p.10
    Major Scales - Minor 3rds Pattern - Joe Riposo, "bebop scales" (2009) p.12
    Dorian Scales - Chromatic Pattern - Joe Riposo, "bebop scales" (2009) p.14
    Dorian Scales - 4ths Pattern - Joe Riposo, "bebop scales" (2009) p.16
    Dorian Scales - Major 3rds Pattern - Joe Riposo, "bebop scales" (2009) p.18
    Dorian Scales - Minor 3rds Pattern - Joe Riposo, "bebop scales" (2009) p.20
    Mixolydian Scales - Chromatic Pattern - Joe Riposo, "bebop scales" (2009) p.22
    Mixolydian Scales - 4ths Pattern - Joe Riposo, "bebop scales" (2009) p.24
    Mixolydian Scales - Major 3rds Pattern - Joe Riposo, "bebop scales" (2009) p.26
    Mixolydian Scales - Minor 3rds Pattern - Joe Riposo, "bebop scales" (2009) p.28
    Locrian Scales - Chromatic Pattern - Joe Riposo, "bebop scales" (2009) p.30
    Locrian Scales - 4ths Pattern - Joe Riposo, "bebop scales" (2009) p.32
    Locrian Scales - Major 3rds Pattern - Joe Riposo, "bebop scales" (2009) p.34
    Locrian Scales - Minor 3rds Pattern - Joe Riposo, "bebop scales" (2009) p.36
    Examples (Dorian-Mixolydian-Major) 1 - Joe Riposo, "bebop scales" (2009) p.39
    Examples (Dorian-Mixolydian-Major) 2 - Joe Riposo, "bebop scales" (2009) p.41
    Examples (Locrian) 1 - Joe Riposo, "bebop scales" (2009) p.43
    Examples (Locrian) 2 - Joe Riposo, "bebop scales" (2009) p.44

  10. #290


    New Pyramid (3)

    Individual songs:
    Chris II-V-I Desc Whole Steps 1 - Chris Piraino
    Chris II-V-I Desc Half Steps - Chris Piraino
    Chris II-V-I Desc Fourths - Unknown Composer

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