Too Darn Hot - Cole Porter
Too Darn Hot - Cole Porter
Thanx, I was looking for that song for some time.
Hi. I'm presently looking for that chart, but the link posted above didn't work. Might there be another place to get it? Thanks!
Too Darn Hot - Cole Porter
Thank you so much Bob!! But argh… it's for some reason not opening . I've tried now via firefox and safari with no luck. Might it be possible to email me directly? I'm going to pm you with the email address in a moment... Anyway, thanks again!!
Last edited by alilew2000; 07-17-2014 at 09:00 PM.
both links seem to work. What version of iReal Pro are you running on the device you are trying to import it from? (Check in the relevant App store you have the latest version and if you update, make sure you run a backup first).
No worries, problem solved off-list
Looking for the arrangement that Ella Fitzgerald did on her Cole Porter album!
Last edited by pdxdjazz; 07-06-2019 at 10:48 PM. Reason: Moved to existing song thread
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