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Thread: Syncing Songs On Ipad, Iphone, Macbook pro

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2011


    +1, +1, +1

    First off, thanks to the developers for a GREAT app. I use it to practice and as a rhythm section at live gigs.

    I'm preparing for a cocktail party gig, and while at my day job, I'm working on set lists on my mac at work... updating arrangements, etc. I've bought iRealb for mac, ipad, and iPhone... on the gig I'll be using the iphone to play, and the iPad for my sheet music. In any case, having iCloud sync between all three devices would be a HUGE time saver. So, consider this a plea from a (sometimes :-) working musician for an iCloud sync feature. That would make an already great and useful app even better.

    Thanks again!

    - Mike.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Thanks to you all for the iCloud bump. We do have it on our list.

  3. #13


    I would also be very interested in synching my ipad with my macbook pro. I have irealb on both.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Yes, please, iCould sync, pleaseeeee!! I'm a power user, playing a lot of weddings and corporate events.
    Also can we have an option to turn off the player? Sometimes I accidentally double click in the song while transcribing a tune from iTunes and the player starts playing. That makes the player basically my most hated feature of iReal Pro. Also - any chance to change the color scheme of iReal Pro? Having night-blindness issues, I can't see much on the dark bg.....

  5. #15


    Yes Please iCloud sync, it would make syncing so much easier. Thanks
    MacBook Pro 15 in. *OS X 10.8.5,
    Mac: Logic 9 (scoring, producing), iReal b (progressions)
    iPod: MusicStudio (melody and rhythm ideas) Reflow(composition,arranging) iReal b (progressions)

  6. #16
    Join Date
    May 2010


    1. Cloud sync would be great but I realize that it might pose technical challenges.
    2. Using one device as the master is the obvious solution but it doesn't work for me: I do most of my editing on Mac but often modify files during practices - when I also don't have time to email myself the modified file.
    3. So, until cloud sync arrives, how about tagging files with 'Last modified' date so that it's possible to work out which device has the most recent modification?

    Great app! Love it!


  7. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by kevinb View Post
    ... how about tagging files with 'Last modified' date so that it's possible to work out which device has the most recent modification? ...
    This is the procedure I've come to use for chart modification: I made a folder in iReal on my iPod Touch named "To Fix" where I move files that I decide need some tinkering. (In my case, this is on a gig where, even if I wanted to edit on my iPod, I wouldn't have time.) The next day I fix them at home on my iMac, replace the old versions my iPod, delete the old "To Fix" folder and create a new empty one. Certainly less than ideal, but you might move your modified charts into a separate folder just to keep track of them for later reference. Having said that, it's good to know syncing is on the developers' "To Fix" list.
    There's two kinds of mistakes you can play: The ones you notice, and the ones somebody else might notice.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    May 2011


    First I have to say: iReal is a wonderful app. It was the most important reason for me to buy my first iPhone, and I really appreciate you guys for making and supporting this app.

    I now also have an iPad, and I also have iReal installed on my MacBook. Which brings up the sync issue: I use the iPad mostly for band rehearsals and gigs because of the big screen. I also attend a lot of jam sessions, and bringing an iPhone is much more convenient in those situations. This way, some songs will be added or edited on the iPad while others will be added or edited on the iPhone. It is not very convenient to make a full backup each time you edit a song, so inevitably you end up with different sets of songs in different versions on your iPad and iPhone. This is a real problem, so some form of sync by bluetooth or cable would be a great relief. I'm not sure iCloud backup is a solution, because then you must rely on one of your devices as the master, containing all the correct versions of all your songs. As I write this, I have 2767 songs on my MacBook, 2600 on my iPad, and 2038 on my iPhone. I have no way of knowing what songs are missing from any given device, apart from comparing the songs one by one.

    This problem has been solved in the calender apps in iOS and OSX. You can add or change an appointment on your smartphone, and add or change an appointment on your nome computer, and syncing them is done via cable or bluetooth with one click. Same goes for your contacts list. Even my old Sony Ericsson (non-smart) cellphone could do this six years ago. If there is conflicting duplicates on the phone and computer, a dialog box will tell me so displaying the entries in question. If iCal on Mac and Messages on iPhone can talk to each other, why can't iReal on separate devices do it?

    Kind regards,

  9. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by Taranaki View Post
    ...Even my old Sony Ericsson (non-smart) cellphone could do this six years ago. If there is conflicting duplicates on the phone and computer, a dialog box will tell me so displaying the entries in question.
    Palm Pilot, 1996?

    If iCal on Mac and Messages on iPhone can talk to each other, why can't iReal on separate devices do it?
    Possibly different approaches. The Palm Pilot style reconciled conflicting data sets. iCloud apps only have one data set, at least that is my impression. Maybe they just do a better job reconciling, but they certainly seem to try to get to one data set.

    At any rate, there have been a ton of references to customers wanting this sort of sync. I suspect the demand for this kind of blindsided the developers. If you go back a year or two, the comments are like, "But we would need to do this and that..." while most of us are probably thinking, "Whatever, just do it" because we see so many other apps doing it and see IRP as an app that should manage data the same way. But it probably started out with much lower expectations.

    FWIW I have the same situation you do, but with far fewer songs. I need to keep my editing to the iPad only, and every now and then I sync that to my phone.

  10. #20


    Is there a very easy way to identify on your device which of your charts are custom or customized versions of the standard download sets??


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