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Thread: Ideas for future updates

  1. #1

    Default Ideas for future updates

    I feel as though thy should add the songs melody like how it does in the actual real book

    also it would be great if the chords for improv were to be added because somethimes I just lose track and need those chords to fall back on

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by noahweber456 View Post
    ... should add the songs melody like how it does in the actual real book
    we would have to all pay copyright if the melodies were included. This has been discussed in other threads. e.g.

  3. #3

    Default Cut and Paste feature for chords in editor.

    I use the editor a lot and often find that I am repeatedly entering the same set of chord changes (when repeats don't apply). If there was a cut and paste function for chord changes (like there is for text) that would be really helpful. Thanks!


  4. #4

    Default copy/paste in editor

    Quote Originally Posted by pianojuggler View Post
    I use the editor a lot and often find that I am repeatedly entering the same set of chord changes (when repeats don't apply). If there was a cut and paste function for chord changes (like there is for text) that would be really helpful. Thanks!

    In the web editor, I've found that I can highlight multiple measures by using left-click/hold/drag. Then click "copy" (located next to "Insert Beat") Click on the beat where you want to place the beginning of your copied material, then click one of the "Paste" buttons below "copy".

    If you are copying the first line, you'll find that you've also copied the time-signature and rehearsal mark.
    Both can easily be deleted from your pasted material by selecting the initial beat and clicking the "X" in the appropriate section.

    Clicking on the little blue "?" offers this help:

    iReal Book Web Editor Help: Copy and Paste

    Drag the mouse across the bars and beats of the song that you want to select. (The Copy and Cut buttons will remain grayed out and disabled until you make a selection).

    Press the Copy button to copy the content of the selection into memory or the Cut button to copy the content of the selection into memory and delete the selection.

    Click on the location in the song where you want to paste and press one of the two Paste buttons.

    Paste-Over will copy the selection over the existing bars and beats starting at the current position of the cursor.

    Paste-Insert will copy the selection at the current position of the cursor pushing forward the rest of the song. (Parts of the chart that are pushed beyond the allowed 12 staves will be lost).

    Hope you enjoy using the editor and contributing to the forum,

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by pianojuggler View Post
    ... If there was a cut and paste function for chord changes (like there is for text) that would be really helpful.
    As Bob suggested, use the Web editor (or Mac editor) for more efficient preparation of your chart. Currently the editor functions inside iReal Book itself are more limited, and do not have copy/paste. It has been on our todo list for a while, so might appear in a future update.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Having that feature would be real nice as I find myself using my iPhone to edit songs more than a computer.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Default Alphas in Playlists

    Some ideas:

    1. Alphabetic selector slider in the playlists.
    2. When importing... ability to select playlist to add to
    3. Ability to delete any tune from the master list not just the ones I add
    4. Ability to import tabledit files
    5. Ability to Create TAB or Melody (this wouldn't violate copyright as you're not providing it, but allowing ability to add)
    6. Include the supplied tunes in the backup.

    Web Editor
    1. ability to default the 16 bars (A/B) to already have the repeats for (AA BB) tunes.
    2. ability to clone
    3. When entering the identifying information the return key should take you to the next input field in the following order (Title, Composer, Style, Key)

    Great Application.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Harpster View Post
    Some ideas ... Great Application.
    keep posting your ideas, some good ones here. Thanks.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by pianojuggler View Post
    I use the editor a lot and often find that I am repeatedly entering the same set of chord changes (when repeats don't apply). If there was a cut and paste function for chord changes (like there is for text) that would be really helpful. Thanks!

    +1 on that.

    Also, I'd love to see a few rest symbols in the chord changes field (in addition to the cumbersome "N.C.")

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Voice recognition to call up tunes would be nice.


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