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Thread: Playlist sucks

  1. #1

    Unhappy Playlist sucks

    don't you think so?

    it doesn't mean NOTHING
    you can add any selected songs (now, we only can add "new" songs)
    and email play list to/from iPhone

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by john:gilbert View Post
    don't you think so?

    it doesn't mean NOTHING
    you can add any selected songs (now, we only can add "new" songs)
    and email play list to/from iPhone
    On my iPod Touch, I can make a new playlist by clicking "Edit" on the playlist screen and scrolling to the bottom of the playlist(s), then clicking on "new playlist". name it, click "done".

    I can add *any* tune from the master index to *any* playlist by opening the tune and clicking on the playlist icon (4 horizontal lines) that on the right hand side of the toolbar that displays at the bottom of the tune when I tap the screen. I just need to select the playlist.

    More on managing playlists here:

    I find that the playlists very useful.

    Hope that's helpful.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by john:gilbert View Post
    add any selected songs
    new in version 2.5 of iReal book:
    in Song index, swipe across (left to right) a song's title. Choose Add to Playlist from the menu. (Or follow Bob's instructions when in Song view (Thanks Bob!) which worked in previous versions as well as v2.5.)

    Quote Originally Posted by john:gilbert View Post
    email play list to/from iPhone
    When viewing the songs within a specific Playlist, tap the Send icon (has arrow - currently bottom right.)

    Let us know if you get it working now.

  4. #4


    new in version 2.5 of iReal book:
    in Song index, swipe across (left to right) a song's title. Choose Add to Playlist from the menu.

    I didn't know that. BUT a word of CAUTION...
    If you swipe across a user song, you'LL get both the add to playlist AND delete song choices right next to each other.
    if you accidently touch "delete"...your tune is GONE. You don't get a 2nd prompt that asks, "are you sure...".
    (that might be a nice feature....?)

    I'll probably continue to move tunes to playlists from the tune's screen rather than the index (just to be safe)
    (tiny iPod, big fat fingertips....)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by pdxdjazz View Post
    >if you accidently touch "delete"...your tune is GONE. You don't get a 2nd prompt that asks, "are you sure...".
    (that might be a nice feature....?)
    TRUE! I have done that a couple of times, but I got it back in a backup I had handy elsewhere (!) Will see what we can do about the nice feature "are you sure?"
    Thanks Bob.

    That having been said, I saved a lot of time preparing a playlist with 45 songs, directly from the Song index itself, without having to view the actual song. Otherwise it takes too long.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by john:gilbert View Post
    Hi John. I just thought, because you are posting in the Mac editor forum, you could be commenting on not being able to construct your playlist from within the Mac editor application using iReal book's built-in song library. This is true, since it does not reference them. So the most efficient way to construct a playlist is in iReal Book itself.

    If you have your own songs saved on your Mac and forum songs predominantly, then you can use Mac editor for constructing your playlist, send it to iReal book and add any others from its library.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default iPad song index swipe not possible -updated

    Quote Originally Posted by pdxdjazz View Post
    BUT a word of CAUTION...
    If you swipe across a user song, you'LL get both the add to playlist AND delete song choices right next to each other.
    if you accidently touch "delete"...your tune is GONE. You don't get a 2nd prompt that asks, "are you sure...".
    We have added prompt for next release -iPhone/iPod touch.

    Quote Originally Posted by dflat View Post
    new in version 2.5 of iReal book:
    in Song index, swipe across (left to right) a song's title. Choose Add to Playlist from the menu.
    In iPad:
    Song index - swipe does not function (not needed) for either deleting a song or adding to a playlist. (I like to have the iPad in landscape for this but it works in portrait as well.) Tap on the song in Song index and you can delete or add to playlist from the normal menu below it.

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