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Thread: Want to play my Bb instrument while seeing and playing the Eb chart

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Default Want to play my Bb instrument while seeing and playing the Eb chart

    I have both a Bb and a Eb instrument (tenor & alto saxes). Sometimes i only have one with me (say, the Bb one) and want to practice in the other instrument's key (the Eb one) ..
    So i want to see the Eb version chart and play on the Eb chart, but with my Bb instrument, so i need to lower (or highten?) the pitch of what i am seeing on the screen ..
    How do i proceed ??


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    (I assume you want to use the Player with your practicing otherwise you would just transpose the chart to any key you desire.)

    The key chosen for the song chart with the transpose button is concert key and determines the key the player uses. Choose the instrument you are playing at the time in Settings (for global transpose.)
    Then transpose the song's (concert) key down a perfect 4th for soprano/tenor (Bb.) For (Eb) alto sax, up a perfect 4th.

    Here is an example:
    Concert key - F (the key the player is in, chosen in song view with the transpose button)
    Bb - the chords will show based in G
    Eb - the chords will show based in D

    So with the 'other' instrument
    Bb - transpose the chart to C concert - chords will show based in D
    Eb - transpose the chart to Bb concert - chords will show based in G

    Make sure you remember to set global transpose in Settings for the appropriate instrument you are playing.

    You could create a playlist with the songs you are changing keys with so you do not lose the normal key you usually play them in with others (unless you usually play them in the default keys the songs are set in.) The last key a song is transposed to is stored in its playlist (or songs index) so creating a practice playlist just for this purpose might eliminate any confusion.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    Wow, so there are 2 different settings, I need a video!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by irealb101 View Post
    Wow, so there are 2 different settings, I need a video!
    There is a setting for your (transposing) instrument and one for the chart for what key you are playing it in.
    Unless you are changing transposing instruments, you normally set your Instrument only the once.
    Although in different places, they are related to transposition of the key you need to see it in and player key.
    In the support section are videos on transposition depending on which device you use.

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