Thank you from the bottom of this lazy man's heart!
Thank you from the bottom of this lazy man's heart!
Blank Templates (6)
1. z.16 - Unknown Composer
2. z.20 - Unknown Composer
3. z.24 - Unknown Composer
4. z.32 - Unknown Composer
5. z.36 - Unknown Composer
6. z.72 - Unknown Composer
I am looking for a 64 bar ABAC (16 bars each)
Can I creat it myself? How?
If not, where can I find one?
Many thanks
I am looking for a ABAC template each with 16 bars. 64 bars altogether.
How can I do that?
8bar-iRb-Templates (3)
1. 060-8bar-Template - Composer Unknown
2. 072-8bar-Template - Composer Unknown
3. 096-8bar-Template - Composer Unknown
3 Templates for creating chord charts (Reference) 8 bars across the page.
Good idea.
060-8bar-Chords-iRb - Chord Chart
Thanks! for trying them out.
Used the 60 chords from the iReal b Editor here in their drop down order to create a chord chart.
Posted as Medium Swing style but here I use Pop- Disco style with the Drums and Bass volume lowered 50%
Slowed down and with the piano grid to learn piano chords. Guitarist here. New to piano playing.
now there's a useable template. thnx Craig!
I still have to revert to that Android emulator on my W81 laptop, but now I finally can use and put to use this iReal thing all my gj friends are so enthusiastic about.
;-) Menno
=== keep swinging ===