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Thread: Feature requests

  1. #141


    Since we're talking about playback features: When viewing a chart in landscape (horizontal) mode on iPod Touch, the little black box that displays the repeat times ("3/6" for example) almost always scrolls out of view and, particularly when there's an Intro section, it never comes back. It would be great if the box floated at the top of the screen or in some other way stayed visible for the entire play cycle.

    Also, it would be VERY helpful if a song could stop on the chord directly over the "END" character, rather than on the chord at the beginning of the bar. I'm finding that I need to end with an odd-meter bar to accomplish most standard jazz tags.

  2. #142
    Join Date
    Sep 2012


    One feature I'd like to see is a "multiplayer" mode, so that for example two or more iPads or other devices can be synced (through bluetooth or Wi-Fi) to play the same song in sync.

  3. #143
    Join Date
    Sep 2012


    I would love to use à transpose function as i play an alto sax tuned in eb and i want to play along with other instruments tuned in other keys. Band in the box has à feature to set what key your instrument is tuned in and all chords get transposed and bb playes in the same tune as you. I would just love that feature!!!

  4. #144
    Join Date
    Jun 2011


    It's in the settings and called "Transposing Instrument". Enjoy :-)

  5. #145
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Default Rest symbols

    Something I find myself looking for quite often when charting songs is REST SYMBOLS. Whole, half, quarter, dotted, etc... Then we can show breaks and pauses.
    Last edited by EnjoyRC; 09-13-2012 at 08:43 AM.

  6. #146
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Default Notes

    NOTES. It'd be great to enter notes for a chart. Then when viewing the chart it could be displayed just under the header info (Title, genre, artist). Or at the bottom. This could be very helpful for arrangement info, lyric info, reminder notes, etc...
    Last edited by EnjoyRC; 09-13-2012 at 08:43 AM.

  7. #147
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Default Section indicators

    SECTION INDICATORS. I often use;
    [in] = Intro or Instrumental
    [V] = Verse
    [B] = Bridge
    [C] = Chorus
    [A] & [D] = not used

    [PC] = Pre Chorus
    [O] = Outro
    [ ] = Custom blocks where we could define our own
    Last edited by EnjoyRC; 09-13-2012 at 08:43 AM.

  8. #148

    Lightbulb Chords and scales: • play them along! • display them as fret-/keyboard!

    The new chords and scales feature is very nice!

    To make it even more useful, I would like iReal b to:

    play the scales, note by note, as well as in arpeggio style, along with the chord/s — to help your ears decide what's right.

    display the scales in (bass, guitar, ukulele) fingerboard Tab view and/or (piano, organ, Musette akkordeon) keyboard view — for folks like me, who know their way around on the fret(less)board, but are not as literate in notation...

    I realize that the display features seem to rely strongly on the facilities introduced in the respective Guitar Tab and keyboard chords feature, so maybe it's more logical and/or practical to include them there?

    Thank you, and I now post this in the support forum, where it belongs.

  9. #149
    Join Date
    Jun 2011


    Chord Scales.... some thoughts (reposted from iOS forum)

    First off, thanks so much for iRealb! It's replaced Band-in-a-box for me, and I've used it successfully on a couple of live gigs (I play the sax and use it as my backup band).

    Secondly, thank you so much for this scale/chord display feature. It is one of the most useful practice tools I've ever come across.

    I have a couple of features requests that I think might make it even more useful (at least for me :-).

    First, Mark Levine, in his book "The Jazz Theory Book", says to "think KEY, not scale". With this in mind, it would be a nice feature to be able to optionally see scales listed by parent "key" or scale. For instance, if I have the progression:

    Dm7 G7 Cmaj7

    it would be nice to see the scale options for:

    Dm7 : C Major : D dorian - D E F G A B C
    G7 : C Major : G mixolydian - G A B C D E F
    Cmaj7: C Major : C Ionian - C D E F G A B

    This would then tie the entire progression together into one key center. The above example is pretty obvious, but it becomes less so for a progression like:

    Bm7b5 E7b9 Am7

    In this case, some of the optional scales could include:

    Bm7b5 : A Harmonic Minor Bebop : (more on this below)
    E7b9 : A Harmonic Minor Bebop :
    Am7 : A Harmonic Minor Bebop :

    Basically, the harmonic minor bebop scale can be used on all three chords in a minor ii-V-i, and this connection might be lost if the related harmonic minor "key" is not listed among the scale options.

    Also, being able to see relationships like:

    G7alt : Ab melodic minor : G Altered - G Ab A# B Db Eb F

    would help in learning the various modes of the melodic minor scale.

    Which brings me to the second feature… can you add the Harmonic Minor Bebop scale to your list of supported scales? I see major, and "minor" (also called the Dorian bebop scale) and dominant bebop scales, but not the harmonic minor bebop. For instance, with the Cm7, the C Harmonic Minor Bebop scale would be a very nice option. The harmonic minor bebop scale is the same as the harmonic minor scale with an added b7 passing tone between the 6th and 7th notes, and is a mode of the major bebop scale. So, perhaps instead of the A Harmonic Minor Bebop, the C Major Bebop scale could be displayed?

    In any case, thanks again for providing such a useful tool. I look forward to the continued improvements!

  10. #150
    Join Date
    Aug 2012


    I have used the text box (in the editor) to put the first note (or first 2 or 3 notes) above the first bar of the song. Just type in the notes and use the up arrow to place them above the bar. As you said, even for seasoned musicians, this often is helpful.

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