There's a entire set of unicode music symbols that is disabled in IRP (Android)
I would really appreciate if it could be enabled so we can use them in text comments. Here are just a few (among others): 𝄩𝄫𝄬𝄪𝄭𝄮𝄯𝄰𝄱𝄲𝄳𝄶𝄷𝄻𝄼𝄽𝄾𝄿𝅗𝅜𝅝𝅗𝅥𝅘𝅥𝅘𝅥𝅮𝅘𝅥𝅯𝆇𝆏𝆑𝆒𝆓𝆖𝆮𝆪𝆱𝆲
There's a entire set of unicode music symbols that is disabled in IRP (Android)
I would really appreciate if it could be enabled so we can use them in text comments. Here are just a few (among others): 𝄩𝄫𝄬𝄪𝄭𝄮𝄯𝄰𝄱𝄲𝄳𝄶𝄷𝄻𝄼𝄽𝄾𝄿𝅗𝅜𝅝𝅗𝅥𝅘𝅥𝅘𝅥𝅮𝅘𝅥𝅯𝆇𝆏𝆑𝆒𝆓𝆖𝆮𝆪𝆱𝆲