Hi so this is a bit confusing but I am using IRealPro while practicing Autumn Leaves. When I first went to play the song with the backtrack something just sounded off. After a bit of time I realized it was the key. At first I thought I may be just playing in the wrong key so I checked the circle of fifths (I play the alto clarinet, an E flat instrument). So as far as I could tell I was playing in the correct key. I am playing the song in E and so that should mean that if the app plays in G we will be sounding good.
Sorry but things get more confusing here. So with the song set to G (default) things sound off. I double checked all the settings that I could possibly find to be sure that there was nothing else affecting this. The transposing instrument is set to c and the default instruments are being used. When I export this song to midi and open in Musescore I find the sheet music marked as being in the scale of Bflat. I played the score on Musescore and on the app to be sure that the sound was the same and sure enough they were playing in the same scale.
So in IReelPro I set the song to the key of E and once again exported and opened the midi file in Musescore to find that the written key is now G. Now when I play along with the app set to the key of E the song sounds right.
I attached the two midi files in the zip if for some reason that would help.
They are name according to the IRealPro setting with witch they were exported.