Tried send message through Contact Us link, but page just spun and spun and never reloaded. Tried sending message via app 4 times, but app crashed every time. So - maybe Support already got this.

Cannot move text. In editor, I click the 'abc' button. For a split second, the three-lines-icon, text box, and (on the right side) the up/down arrows appear - but then they immediately disappear and are replaced by undo/redo/paste icons. There is no way to move the text up or down. If I enter text, go back to the regular keyboard, and then go back to edit text, same thing happens. See attached screenshot.
iPad 2, iOS 9.2.1.
Click image for larger version. 

Name:	ireal.jpg 
Views:	596 
Size:	31.8 KB 
ID:	389