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Thread: If I Had You - Jimmy Campbell and Reg Connelly with Ted Shapiro

  1. #1

    Default If I Had You - Jimmy Campbell and Reg Connelly with Ted Shapiro

    If I Had You - Jimmy Campbell and Reg Connelly with Ted Shapiro (1928)

    My arrangement (Verse and Chorus)

    If I Had You - RP - Jimmy Campbell and Reg Connelly with Ted Shapiro (1928)

    (Content removed by moderator)
    with lyrics
    If I Had You - RP - Lyrics - Jimmy Campbell and Reg Connelly with Ted Shapiro (1928)

  2. #2


    with lyrics
    If I Had You - RP - Lyrics - Jimmy Campbell and Reg Connelly with Ted Shapiro (1928)
    Please don’t post iRp charts with lyrics in the forums.



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