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Thread: Import Music XML format?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2020

    Default Import Music XML format?

    Have plenty of charts in other software I use.

    I would love to get the changes quickly into IrealPro
    Use the editor seems to be the only answer at this point

    Import Music XML might be a good first step.
    It's seemingly out there a lot in the music worlds.

    I've labored with the Ireal Pro editor to enter charts.
    Yes I can do it.

    Its not what I would call the most intuitive editor I've ever used.
    Some of my friends (not naming names) says it sucks.

    Anyway, the ability to import some general format (say music xml) would be a great thing for getting charts into IrealPro.

    From there we could all share and the world would be a better place.
    For you
    For me
    Can't you see........


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2013


    Once you get familiar with the editor and all the shorcuts for adding chords, it's actually quite fast to edit a chart.
    Importing XML files is a good idea but that would be quite difficult to implement because chord symbols coming from external files could have different spelling that wouldn't match the iReal pro ones, resulting in unrecognizable chord symbols.


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