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Thread: Intro not working (it repeats every time)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2020

    Default Intro not working (it repeats every time)


    I have seen this problem before - and in the past it would be something such as a missing bar line. This time I cannot spot anything obviously wrong with this chart.

    What else can I do to troubleshoot the intro that always repeats? The intro should only play at the beginning of the piece and never again - but in my case the intro plays with every repeat.

    I've attached a zipped file containing the iReal chart with the broken intro. I guess zip is one of the allowed file extensions. Not sure why html can't be allowed.


    How Insensitive (RB1.6p181)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2020


    Okay, I fixed the problem. I don't know why but if you remove the letter "V" at the bottom then the intro works as expected.

    I was using the "V" as a label for a tag at the end of the piece. But, I guess "V" is for something else?

  3. #3


    Only share song charts directly from the app.
    Carefully follow the instructions.

    V = verse

    I’m happy your issue seems resolved. Until you post your chart so it can be opened directly in the app, we can’t look at your chart and can’t tell what may be happening.

    The iRp app can’t import a .zip file.



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