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Thread: Font size changing

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Default Font size changing

    I hope in the future release there will be the option to change the font size. When there's too many chord in 1 bar it is so hard to read with the current default size even if the chart was set to "S" at the start of the piece.


  2. #2


    Any smaller and chords wouldn’t be readable on small phone screens.
    If you want to display 4 extended quality chords in a measure without overlapping you may have to increase the length of the bar. (Use 8 spaces instead of 4)
    That will of course change the appearance of the chart.

    Post the chart here that's giving you trouble.

  3. #3


    The option of changing the font size would not deprive one of viewing on a phone as you could always choose a larger font then.

  4. #4

    Default An example

    I’m trying

    C#m7/G# Dmaj9/E E/F# | Bm

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	6DD24D33-F0E5-4DF0-AFC1-3DFCA4FBAE32.jpg 
Views:	209 
Size:	14.5 KB 
ID:	603
    de Perú

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by josecarlosmaral View Post
    I’m trying

    C#m7/G# Dmaj9/E E/F# | Bm

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	6DD24D33-F0E5-4DF0-AFC1-3DFCA4FBAE32.jpg 
Views:	209 
Size:	14.5 KB 
ID:	603
    I think the default font is easier to read than the handwriting font.
    I also prefer - instead of m
    If I were writing that bar, I’d use D Δ/E to keep the 9 from tangling up with the following chord and using the alternate chord field, I’d place D Δ9 above. (for reading) I’d also make the two adjacent chords small using S/N
    S and N (Small/Normal chord-font size)

    If there was enough available space in the page, I might consider making it an 8-space bar.


    Tap the image for a better look
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	1937F21A-7D6B-467B-BAC1-D86F866FA918.jpg 
Views:	159 
Size:	12.3 KB 
ID:	604  


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