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Thread: Italian songs

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Default Italian

    "Malafemmena" (Evil woman) was composed in 1951 by the Neapolitan actor Totò (Antonio de Curtis) in 1951. Like "O Marenariello," which was the basis of "I Have But One Heart," a tune I posted recently, "Malafemmena" is a Canzone Napolitana, a song in the Neapolitan language, often, as in this case, a lover's complaint. The song was dedicated to the composer's wife after they separated. The lyrics are quite cutting and translations can be found on the web.

    The structure of "Malafemmena" is a standard 32-bar ABAC. I have incorporated a turnaround in bars 31-32 and a two bar coda to finish the song.

    There are many performances on Youtube. The one by Roberto Murolo (look for a man with a guitar) has a translation of the Neapolitan lyrics. He plays it as a tango, as do other Italian performers. A performance by Al Martino, of "Godfather" fame is also worth hearing. I knew and performed this song in the 1960s as a rhumba. I now perform it with the iRP Latin - Cuba: Bolero style at 110 bpm, but it also works using the Argentina: Tango style.

    Malafemmena - Toto (Antonio de Curtis)
    Last edited by pdxdjazz; 11-29-2015 at 03:44 AM.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Default Italian

    "O Sole Mio" (My Sunshine) was composed in 1898 by Eduardo di Capua with lyrics by Giovanni Capurro. It is a Canzone Napolitano and as such, does not have a typical 32-bar AABA or ABAC form. Rather, it has a 16-bar verse and a 16-bar chorus and both together make up the 32-bar form.

    There are many versions on Youtube. There is a classic 1916 performance by Enrico Caruso and the Victor Orchestra and many modern performances by Luciano Pavarotti. Look for a fine (and visually beautiful) performance by the Welsh mezzo-soprano Katherine Jenkins. In addition, Elvis Presley, who had heard the song when in the Army in Europe, commissioned new English lyrics and recorded the song in 1960 as "It's Now Or Never."

    I arranged and posted "O Sole Mio" as it retains great popularity in the Italian-American community. Rather than perform it with the tango rhythm that it and other Neapolitan songs were conceived with, I follow Elvis and play it as a rhumba. I use the Latin - Cuba: Bolero style at 110 bpm.

    O Sole Mio - Eduardo di Capua
    Last edited by pdxdjazz; 11-29-2015 at 03:44 AM.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Default Italian

    "Arrivederci Roma" is a song published in 1955 and composed by Renato Rascel. There are both Italian and English lyrics. Popular in the Italian-American community, it has a simple AA' structure with two almost identical 16-bar sections. There are many performances on Youtube. I recommend one by Vic Damone. Avoid a strange performance by Nat King Cole in which he sings a good part of the tune in poorly pronounced Spanish!

    This is the fifth of five Italian songs I have recently posted. I hope they can be of use to iRP users.

    I use the Latin - Cuba: Bolero style at 110 bpm.

    Arrivederci Roma - Renato Rascel
    Last edited by pdxdjazz; 11-29-2015 at 03:44 AM.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Default Italiani

    Italiani (16)

    Individual songs:
    Ancora - De Crescenzo Eduardo
    Azzurro - Adriano Celentano
    Caruso - Lucio Dalla
    Che Sarà - Ricchi E Poveri Ricchi E Poveri
    Il Cielo In Una Stanza - Gino Paoli
    Io Che Amo Solo Te - Sergio Endrigo
    Io Che Non Vivo - Pino Donaggio
    Rose Rosse - Massimo Ranieri
    Se Bruciasse La Città - Unknown Composer
    Se Stasera Sono Qui - Luigi Tenco
    Senza Fine - Gino Paoli
    She - Charles Aznavour (Aznavour, Kretzner)
    Un'avventura - Mogol Battisti
    Una Carezza In Un Pugno - Adriano Celentano
    Vacanze Romane - Matia Bazar
    Volare - Domenico Modugno

  5. #35
    Join Date
    May 2011


    Is there a shorter version that starts with the chorus?

  6. #36


    You can start the iRp player at any measure with a long-press.
    The chart could be easily edited also. For instance, if you just deleted the D.C. and D.S. instructions and set the player to 1 repeat, the chart would play only once from top to bottom.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    May 2011


    Might be above my Tech level... I do need a printed version too.

  8. #38


    There is a tutorial in the app.
    Touch the pencil icon, select "duplicate", that way the original chart remains unchanged (so you can easily start over)
    IRp charts instantly transpose to any key, and can be easily emailed to other iRp devices and/or printed as pdf's.
    Last edited by pdxdjazz; 01-02-2015 at 11:50 PM.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    May 2011


    I figured it out well enough to print a version where with folds and pen marks it will work for my piano player. I need to learn how to erase the A and B sections and then copy the last C line to the end of the C section.

  10. #40

    Default Correzioni varie

    Grazie per aver caricato questi brani, bello trovare brani italiani sui forum. Ho aggiunto una versione jazz di "Se Stasera Sono Qui", e ho corretto alcune cose sui tuoi pezzi:
    - alcune barre di misura FINALE che non erano alla fine del brano
    - code inserite al posto di finali senza numero, con/senza etichetta END
    - in "Una Carezza in un Pugno" e "Rose Rosse", accordi con settima maggiore erano impropriamente segnati con 7+; questa sigla indica "triade eccedente con settima minore", mentre tu volevi "triade maggiore con settima maggiore". La sigla italiana storica per questo accordo andrebbe eliminata, per avere una omogeneità nella comunità musicale internazionale
    - strutture di alcuni brani (li avevo già trascritti io, e ho inserito le versioni intere come da registrazione invece di giri armonici senza struttura ("Senza Fine", "Io che Amo Solo Te")
    - autori in qualche canzone ("Che Sarà", "Ancora", "Un'Avventura", "Se Bruciasse la Città"). Le indicazioni generali di iReal Pro sono di inserire solo autori di musica, non dei testi. Almeno per postare sui forum, poi uno fa come crede con le proprie liste
    - titolo di "Volare", e struttura
    - tonalità d'impianto di alcuni brani (erano segnati in C, mentre erano in F, D, o Em, ad esempio). Assicurati di impostare la tonalità corretta, così le funzioni di trasposizione non saranno confusive


    - end-of-song barlines
    - codas and endings
    - chord symbol for major 7 chords (instead of old italian traditional 7+)
    - song structures
    - authors
    - title
    - default song key

    Italiani (17)

    Individual songs:
    Ancora - Eduardo De Crescenzo
    Azzurro - Adriano Celentano
    Caruso - Lucio Dalla
    Che Sarà - Ricchi E Poveri
    Il Cielo In Una Stanza - Gino Paoli
    Io Che Amo Solo Te - Sergio Endrigo
    Io Che Non Vivo - Pino Donaggio
    Nel Blu Dipinto Di Blu (Volare) - Domenico Modugno
    Rose Rosse - Massimo Ranieri
    Se Bruciasse La Città - Savio-Polito
    Se Stasera Sono Qui [jazz] - Luigi Tenco
    Se Stasera Sono Qui [simple] - Luigi Tenco
    Senza Fine - Gino Paoli
    She - Charles Aznavour (Aznavour, Kretzner)
    Un'Avventura - Claudio Battisti
    Una Carezza In Un Pugno - Adriano Celentano
    Vacanze Romane - Matia Bazar

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