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Thread: Index column for Playlists

  1. #1

    Default Index column for Playlists

    I'm performing weekly with iRealPro on the iPad Air. The biggest problem I have is finding the chart quickly when the next tune is called.

    What's needed IMHO is an alphabetical index down the right hand side of Playlists.

    When using a playlist like "Jazz 1200", typing in the search box will certainly work, but typing seems to take too long when under pressure. Scrolling through 1200+ tunes isn't fast enough either. My "Songs" view contains lots of other stuff besides "Jazz 1200", so using the index in that view means more scrolling.

    I've always wanted a folder-level organization, so that when playing a Jazz gig, I'd never see my Country tunes for instance. Then I could make a playlist for that night or that band, but drop back to the "Songs" view of my "Jazz" folder in case an unusual Jazz tune was called. I'm guessing that will probably never happen, but would also solve my indexing problem.

    Any advice on how to quickly find songs while the bandleader is counting them off would be appreciated.


  2. #2


    I have almost 5000 charts in my mini, more than 6000 in my iPad (1).

    Here's a description on how I QUICKLY locate a random chart:

    The current iOS app has a keyword search field at the top of each playlist as well as the main library.

    I'm waaaay faster than the players thumbing through their alpha-books.
    If you are trying to scroll to a chart under pressure, you are much too slow.
    If you are searching for an incorrect title, like "A-Train", forget it.

    If I'm playing a setlist, I'm in a playlist and just swipe to the next song.
    At a jam or if I'm playing in an ensemble that's not playing a setlist, I'm in my main song library.
    I code the titles of charts specific to a particular vocalist or ensemble with a suffix (2 initials) that I add to the end of the title when I write or edit the chart. If I'm playing from a long list of just those charts, I still use my main library search.

    Just enter the "code", several spaces, and then start on a title keyword. For the next tune, just backspace only through the keyword and start typing the next. I suppose, I could also use the playlist keyword search as well....old habits die hard.

    Last edited by pdxdjazz; 07-19-2015 at 06:27 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Hello Lyle, as pointed out in the thread Bob refers to, Playlist songs can be manually sorted so there is no alphabet.
    For playlists with many songs, tap at the very top of the playlist window (above the playlist name) on the status bar and it will quickly scroll to the search field (above letter A).


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