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Thread: Please offer some answers to noob questions :)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Default Please offer some answers to noob questions :)

    1. Can someone tell me how to create an intro?
    2. And how about creating an ending?
    3. How to edit charts?
    4. How do I create a separate playlist for a gig?
    5. How do I set the number of choruses?

    Thank you for your help!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Default Try the iReal Pro support pages

    There is extensive online help at All of your questions have answers there. In addition, look at charts that others have written as others have created solutions to your questions.

  3. #3


    Also, at the top-right of the chart-view screen in the app is a "?" In a circle.
    Touch it, explore.
    In addition, next to the "forums" icon is "more". You can also follow that to extensive in-app tutorials and FAQ's.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2012


    Okay, I figured out how to insert space where an intro would go. Also how to insert space for an ending at the end of the song. I have the song set to be played five times before it should go to the ending.
    How do I have the intro only play at the very beginning of the song, and the ending at the very end of the song, and not on each, or several of the courses? I have repeat signs at the beginning of the body of the song (after the intro) and also at the end of the body of the song (before the ending), but it is still not working properly. Any help good friends?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2013


    Tim: Here is a chart that I have previously posted. It has an introduction, a full chorus that can be repeated by using the usual facility at the bottom of the page, and an ending that plays after the last chorus; it should be a good example for you. There is a learning curve with iRP. We all started where you are now. Please take the time and trouble to use the tools that we described in the above posts. Then, when you come up with some neat charts of your own, please post them for the entire community to enjoy.

    Georgy Girl - Dale - Springfield
    Last edited by Keith88; 01-18-2015 at 03:59 PM.

  6. #6


    You can use rehearsal marks.
    Label the intro as "Intro" and label the ending "Coda".
    Do not forget to label the part following the intro with something, e.g. "A". Do not use "Verse".
    Now the intro will play once, then the A-part repeatedly, and finally the ending (Coda).

  7. #7


    Yes, rehearsal marks are often necessary for the player-feature as well as being helpful to the musician.

    In and V are coded to play only once at the beginning (unless instructed otherwise by a D.C., or if there's no A mark following the player won't know where the intro ends and the song begins)

    This is helpful info:

    The player doesn't understand the word "coda" (or ending) only the correctly used/placed coda symbol(s):
    Be sure to read the updated Coda instructions in this Blog:
    and this:
    Last edited by pdxdjazz; 01-18-2015 at 04:32 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2012


    Thanks Bob, Keith and Sciurius!!! You solved my problems. Much appreciation.


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