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Thread: Feature requests

  1. #351
    Join Date
    Apr 2013


    Would it be possible to get an option to show the chords and the numbering at the same time? I use this app a lot when teaching and it plays largely into theory and song structure discussions. Being able to show the numbering as well as the chords would help students see the bigger picture instead of simply memorizing a random series of individual chords.

    Let me know if there is a way to already do this...maybe I didn't notice something. I think it'd be an extremely useful option to encourage because many musicians who are intimidated by theory would very quickly recognize common patterns in all the songs they were playing if they had the numbers there as well. Maybe an option to have them in a smaller, italicized font directly below the chord names? They wouldn't even need to reiterate the chord quality, just the number would be needed. It would be a good transition for players wishing to be able to transpose better and such, too. I totally understand the other request I mentioned not being important enough to add the option, but in this case I would be worth it.

    Thanks for any consideration. Let me know if there is some way to already do this, ok?

  2. #352
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Leaping View Post
    Would it be possible to get an option to show the chords and the numbering at the same time?
    Let me know if there is some way to already do this, ok?
    No this is not possible, it is either the chord letter or number. You could manually add the numbers as Text (move them above the chords).

  3. #353
    Join Date
    Dec 2013


    Congratulations on a well-thought out, easy to use, application.

    My wish - I'd like to be able control playback more. Given rehearsal sections A, B, Etc, to specify ABAC for example. Also - and perhaps very much a minority interest - to control tempo for each section. This comes from Klezmer music where the tempo often ups dramatically as the piece progresses.

  4. #354


    Tempo/style changes within a tune have been requested by others as well. The player-feature was originally added just as a practice tool. That some are using it in performance speaks to the developer's great work.
    I agree that if the player could read rehearsal marks and then follow a text instruction for the form (like: AABCACA) that could be useful.
    A welcome "feature" of this amazing app is it's simplicity. Finding the right balance between simplicity and advanced control is a challenge. Some will be overwhelmed while others are disappointed at perceived limitations.
    A separate player control screen for each marked section of a song might be too much complexity for many.
    Often better is the enemy of good.

    Currently, style/tempo changes and complex forms/arrangements can be compiled by recording the various iReal bits you like using another device and editing them to a single track/mp3.

    Thanks for posting your Klezmer thread.
    Last edited by pdxdjazz; 01-07-2014 at 02:36 PM.

  5. #355
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    -Rest Drummer

    Thanks for a great app.

  6. #356
    Join Date
    Oct 2013


    Love to see option for guitar tablature..

  7. #357
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    I'd really appreciate the addition of a single-bar bar line and a double-bar bar line that only go half way down, which would keep them from obscuring chord symbol extensions while still looking like bar lines.

  8. #358
    Join Date
    May 2013


    I love this app, but would like to see the following, if possible...
    1. Tempo: It would be great to change the tempo of each section. Lacking that, even a sort of "humanize" option, that randomly speeds up or slows down (very slightly), would be cool.
    2. Ritard - as with the above, this would add greatly to the realism of the app.
    3. Chord changes on "ands". I'm thinking that maybe the app could be altered to recognize 8 beats in 4/4 time (just as you can slim it down to 2 to save space). Then, when it read an 8 beat measure it would "know" that beat 1 was normal 1, beat 2 was really the "and" of one, beat 3 was beat 2, beat 4 was the and of beat 2, etc. And chord changes would occur wherever they were placed in the measure.

    Thanks for listening.

  9. #359
    Join Date
    Dec 2011


    I'd love to see the ability to have one ipad/tablet unit as a master controller and other tablets irealpro be controlled by that master unit unit (IE song choices/next song etc). OnSong has this ability to sync units together and one unit controls them all it but I really don't like that particular program and have managed to convince my band members in two bands to swap to irealpro, so this would be the icing on the cake!!

    Also, when deleting a playlist you have the options to delete the playlist only or move all songs to the trash. Could you please, please, please have an option to confirm the move songs to the trash action when selected to stop accidentally doing this instead of deleting just the playlist OR could you move the buttons a lot further apart so my stupid sausage fingers don't hit the wrong option??


  10. #360
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    How about programming Playback to always start from the Intro mark--wherever it happens to be--IF there is an Intro mark present.

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